Name: Catherine Linda Bishop Age: 35 Rank/Position: Lieutenant-Commander/Chief Medical Officer Race: Human Appearance: She stands at 5'3, an athletic build, and few curves. She has brown hair kept in a bun and grey eyes. Her skin is pale, with a dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She has a birthmark on her ankle. Personality: A consummate professional, she is dedicated to her work and the efficiency of her medicine. Stubborn and sarcastic. History: Coming from a family of doctors, Catherine was destined to become a physician, but she decided that her talents would be best spent dealing with diseases with Starfleet than in a private practice. She has been a part of Starfleet for seven years now. Skills: She practiced on a few ships before becoming the CMO on the Orion, from trauma care to full blown surgery. She graduated from Starfleet Academy as a Medical Officer with high marks. Other: She speaks with a slight southern accent. She also fences as a hobby. Sample Post: "Captain, would you please hold still!" This was demeaning, Catherine thought while running after the Captain of the USS Cancer with a syringe--his booster shot. "Bishop, could it not wait for another day?!" Captain Brandon Mason shouted over his shoulder while continuing his brisk walk to the bridge. "Disease does not discriminate between a week late or ten weeks late for renewing a booster, Captain! If you hold still for one second, I'll be out of your way and you can go gesticulate on the bridge!" Captain Brandon stood still, and in five seconds, a swab of alcohol cleaned the skin on his neck, the injection was made, and a bandaid was placed over the injection site. He winced. "There. I'm done." "Thank you, Bishop!" With that, he walked into the bridge. "You have another one due in a month!" With that, she began running back to her infirmary.