[quote=@Blue Demon] [@Kentsukan]I've reviewed your CS. And It's a great start. However there are a few sections that need improving. [hider] 1) Being 25 and a Chief Medical Officer is a little bit of a stretch since you have nothing to support it with. Was she a child prodigy? Is she unusually adept in medicine? 2) Her History. It was very brief and only focused on the medical side of things. But what about her childhood? What made her choose Starfleet over private practices? Where else has she served having been in Starfleet for seven years? 3) The Sample Post. Right off the bat, all I could see was that it was all mashed together. Every time a different person speaks it needs to have a separate paragraph. See below for what it should look like: Second, this is a little nit-picky, but it's a hypo-spray. Not a syringe. Thirdly, the post was very bare bones. There isn't a lot of substance involved. Substance can come from details. For example, where had Catherine ambushed the Captain? Had he been avoiding her so she waiting until he came out of his quarters? Or did he go to the infirmary where she had tried to give him his hypo and he had run off? [/hider] I don't want you to be discouraged. If you're willing to work with me, I'm willing to work with you. [/quote] I can add more to the posts and her background. However, 25 was a typo: she's 35. I'll go fix that first.