As it turned out, today was one of those days where her brothers seemed to forget about her, which was only made worse by the fact that her phone had died on her shortly after she sat down, leaving her with nothing to occupy herself until they showed up. Sighing, she returned to watching the cars pass by at the edge of the parking lot, absently moving some small stones near her left hand with her telekinesis, something that was rather easy to do consistently due to the amount of time she’d spent practicing in her room at home. What had drawn her attention to the cars in the first place, apart from sheer boredom, had been the fact that there were an awful lot of them driving down this particular road, which was too far out of the way to be a popular route. Secondly, Lexi could have sworn that there was at least one vehicle, a blue mini-van, that appeared to be going up the road every few minutes, though it was hard to be certain due to being unable to see the driver due to glare and being unable to read the license plate from the distance she was at. Before she could contemplate the mystery too much further, her brothers showed up, digging at one another and laughing uproariously as they usually did. Once they were situated in the vehicle, Sam started it up and drove to the entrance of the parking lot, pulling out right behind the blue van, which very promptly took a right turn. Regardless, it seemed that they were in the clear, as her brother had a tendency to drive pretty fast, leaving the blue van with virtually no time to circle around again. Finding comfort in that knowledge, Lexi relaxed a bit, watching the trees go by as she waited for them to arrive home. When her house came into view, Lexi was a bit surprised to see a white car sitting in the driveway, though Lexi just assumed that her mother had invited over another client to discuss how they wanted her to decorate the interior of their house. Upon entering the house, however, her mother surprised her by ushering her into the living room before she could even toss her backpack on the bench by the door, explaining, rather enthusiastically, that the individuals in suits seated on her parents’ couch were there to offer her a spot in a prestigious school of some sort. [b]”May I see a some information about the school?’[/b] Lexi asked, sitting down on the loveseat on the other side of the coffee table in front of the couch and beginning the interview, for that’s sort of what it was. Several hours later, the representatives were thanking her parents for their hospitality and announcing that they hoped to receive a call soon, having been convinced that Lexi would think about their offer and call them with her answer. And the duo certainly had given Lexi a lot to think about. For one, she would have to check and make sure that the school actually existed, as neither of those two had behaved at all like the HR representatives she had encountered thus far. If it was actually a real academic institution, she would have to contemplate if she was okay with moving across the country to go to school, albeit a supposedly great one. Shortly after they left, Lexi went downstairs into her room and grabbed her laptop to begin doing some research. Very quickly, she realized that the place probably wasn’t real, as, though they had a website and working phone number, the address she had been given put her in the middle of nowhere regardless of the software she used to look it up (i.e. Google Maps). It was a shame that such a place didn’t actually appear to exist, as it had seemed perfect, but it did have the upside of making her choice a lot easier. With that laid to rest, she spent the rest of the evening painting and practicing her powers, like she usually did, before showering and heading off to bed in the warm embrace of the numerous stuffed animals and blankets..