[center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dEyernowOt19m/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Xiril Poxx [sub](seer-uhl pocks)[/sub] [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 44 [u][b]Rank/Position[/b][/u] First Officer [u][b]Race[/b][/u] Cephanian [sub]The Cephanians are an aquatic humanoid species from the planet Cepha. Hailing from a completely submerged planet, Cephanians have mucous-producing skin, gills, webbed fingers, and other fish-like characteristics. They are a quiet, private people known for their humorlessness and brevity. [/sub] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Most say Cephanians all look alike. As the only differentiation between male and female Cephanians are that one is blueish green and the other is greenish blue, this is not entirely without merit. Though Commander Poxx has dark blue stripes lining most of his body, this is hidden by his uniform, leaving the rank-denoting stripes on his sleeve the only face-value distinction between himself and any other Cephanian. Though not especially short or tall, Commander Poxx's Cephanian biology leaves him with very little fat, giving him a somewhat muscular physique. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Commander Poxx's mannerisms and personality are fairly standard for a Cephanian. He keeps most interactions as brief as possible, spends most of his time off alone in his quarters, and has little patience for galas and ceremonies. Other than his work, Commander Poxx has three hobbies; swimming, underwater horticulture, and martial arts. [u][b]History[/b][/u] Xiril Poxx was hatched on Cepha, spending his youth absorbing the culture and knowledge of his people. His father, Luril Poxx, was the Chief Medical Officer for the USS Tyson, which fostered Xiril's interest in joining Starfleet from a young age. Xiril went on to join Starfleet Academy when he became old enough and was put onto an expedited path to becoming an ensign aboard the USS Highlander, after graduating second in his class. Though originally eager to become a medical officer like his father, Xiril switched divisons after his second year, and has proudly worn Command Yellow ever since. After serving aboard the USS Highlander for several years, Commander Poxx was recently transferred to the USS Orion, where he now serves as First Officer. [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] Though he comes off as cold, Commander Poxx's ability to distance himself from emotion and remain calm under pressure is a major asset. As a Cephanian, Commander Poxx can use sonar to maneuver in complete darkness, and stun most humanoids. His youth spent underwater has given him a heightened perception of his position in three-dimensional space, making him an excellent helmsman should the need ever arise. [hider=Sample Post] [i]"Inhale red, exhale blue."[/i] Commander Poxx stood with his back completely straight, with a fist on either hip and his legs spread far apart. The [i]horse stance[/i], the recording had called it. The voice speaking to him was a soft woman's voice, resonating with an almost maternal timbre. He had spent the morning in his room -- as he often would -- practicing tai chi. It relaxed him, and for an outdated human practice, that was fairly surprising. In lieu of his usual black and yellow uniform, he wore a simple white gi. The lights in Poxx's room were dim, set to a deep blue color that made it seem like he was at the bottom of the ocean. Enhancing the effect, the vents in his room were currently on [i]aromatherapy mode[/i], a setting that had been tweaked and perfected by one of the engineering ensigns eager to impress the First Officer. Poxx took a step forward, bringing his hands with him as if he were scooping up a bucket. Poxx didn't remember what the recording called the movement, but he managed to remember the movements themselves, which he felt was enough. He inhaled deeply, raising his arms. His room smelled like the sea after a storm. Poxx took a step to the side and exhaled, bringing his arms close to his chest in a circular motion, making a mental note to thank the engineering ensign he had remembered moments earlier. [i]"Focus on your breathing. Let go of your stress."[/i] The voice cooed to him over softer, almost inaudible recordings of undersea noises. Though Poxx was able to remain level-headed, stress was usually his only problem on the bridge. He exhaled again, feeling his limbs loosen. [i]At least I no longer have to worry about superiors[/i], Poxx thought to himself. [i]Perhaps, with a race that had evolved from a prey species, stress is simply instinctual for me.[/i] Poxx took another step back, dropping into the horse stance position before stretching his back. After a few moments of stretching, he reclined into his normal stance, and cleared his throat. "End session." The sounds of the ocean began to fade, and the dim blue lights began to shift to their regular white. Poxx rolled his neck to the side with an audible [b][i]crack[/i][/b], and began to disrobe. He examined himself in a small mirror by his bedside for a moment. He was as blue and fishy as ever, and his scales showed no signs of molting, which was always good. He quickly put on his uniform that lay folded at the foot of his bed, flattening out any creases or wrinkles by hand. When he finished dressing, he straightened his posture and attached a small metal device to his neck, covering his gills. The atmosphere in his room was kept wet enough to breathe comfortably without the device, though he would often have trouble without it on the ships air-conditioned turbolift. He left his room, lumbering with his usual powerwalk he had honed over years to make himself appear hurried and ensure ensigns and cadets would leave him alone as often as possible. Sure enough, this would not be the case today. "Good morning, Commander Poxx. Was the ventilation to your liking?" It was the engineering ensign he had thought about. Poxx looked at him for a moment, pausing to wonder if the ensign truly [i]ran into him[/i], or if he had been staking out by his quarters in hopes of being praised. "Yes. I will be speaking to your Commanding Officer about my assessment of your alterations, though I believe he will find them satisfactory as well." He blinked, squeezing his sideways lenses together as he stared at the young man. "Will that be all, ensign?" He shook his head. "Yes, thank you Commander. If there's an-" "Excellent." Poxx turned his head and continued his march to the turbolift. He was thankful for the ensign's handiwork, but he had little time to stand by and congratulate him for it. Today would be a busy day, after all. The Orion would pick up Ambassador Spock shortly, and Commander Poxx would be standing to the captain's side when it happened. Poxx stepped into the turbolift, pressing a small blue button.[/hider]