[quote=@Dextkiller] Alrighty dudes. I've created a Ansus location grid. With it we can begin to piece together locations from the past and present, as well as current character locations all in once place so people can decide to meet up if they're near one another. Here's the link to the document. Follow the format instructions and add locations of both areas from lore and current character locations to the list. [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P9_5rCI3vYDwkwUqhoFFP2qaOunkxzvKA-kb0svRN-8/edit?usp=sharing][b][u]Ansus Location Grid[/u][/b][/url] [/quote] Reminding everyone of this and the lore document. Making sure that those things are always updated with current lore definitions and locations really speeds up the reply process. A better handle on where everyone is, what's happening with everyone, and what we know about the world goes a long way in helping me to write nicer posts and faster and make character interaction happen. Plus it's a great way to spend time while you're waiting or when you're bored or when you need help with a post. The point of the two documents in the first place is to make it easier to see what's going on and improve the roleplay's quality. I hope we use the documents to their fullest potential so that we can resolve the issues with the roleplay's first incarnation of the roleplay in terms of interaction and in terms of information. Might even be good to make a glossary to hold all the words which need defining.