[hider=120th Heavy Battalion] [colour=Orange]Designation:[/colour] 120th Heavy Battalion [colour=Orange]Structure:[/colour] Armored Battalion, 1st 417th Armored Regiment [colour=Orange]Specialty:[/colour] The 120th is comprised of heavily armored vehicles used for a range of offensive capabilities including transporting troops, attacking heavily fortified enemy positions, and providing support for attacking ground forces. Comprised mainly of a few hundred AT-TEs, the Battalion is also contains companies of AT-RTs and TX-130s. [colour=Orange]Commander:[/colour] [hider= Division Commander Shell] [center][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/32c6/f/2011/011/9/1/commander_trell_by_labj-d36z15z.png[/img][/center] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 47-6119 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] Shell, owing to the fact that during training he preferred to be encased within the protective shell of an AT-TE rather than practicing for ground combat. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] 417th Armored Division Commander [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Shell has an incredibly close-shaven head, to the point that he almost appears to have no hair upon his head at all. His neatly trimmed jet black beard is the only indication he has hair. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] Unlike many in the ranks of the Clone Army, Shell is not hot-headed or eager for blood. Soft-spoken and calm, he places the utmost importance on maintaining rank and discipline within combat; the soldiers under his command are also regularly subjected to weapons and armor inspections, as Shell cannot abide by those who disregard the rules in favour of modifying their equipment. Never one to get flustered, an aura of cool confidence surrounds Shell at all times as he fights to restore order to the galaxy. Further, placing more trust in his heavily armored vehicles than the men under his command, Shell expects total obedience from his men on the battlefield, caring more for the safety of his tanks than their lives. On their behalf, the men are ready to follow him, as he has a tactical brilliance and expertise with armored combat that is second to none in the 417th. [/hider] [colour=Orange]Major:[/colour] [hider=Major Legs] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/75/CC-4477-DB.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100901230546[/img][/center] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 65-6439 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] As result of the Major’s love of AT-RTs, the other clones began calling him legs, as he was rarely seen out of the vehicle. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Major, Second-in-Command of the 120th’s Heavy Battalion, First-in-Command of the 120th’s 1st Company [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Legs has allowed his hair to grow out a little, and has dyed it copper. Further, a personal point of pride are his two bushy sideburns that run from his ears to just above his jawline. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] Legs is everything that Shell is not. Loud, boisterous and eager for a fight, it is a constant mystery for Shell as to how his second in command gained an officer's rank in the first place.Treating each of his men as equals, Legs is happy to stand shoulder to shoulder, or leg to leg, with them in a fight, no matter the odds. A favourite with the men, Legs is happiest atop an AT-RT, crushing droids underfoot. However, the care Legs displays for the men under his command means that more often than not he puts himself at personal risk to save them, and his improvised plans in the battlefield have raised concern with some who fear the development of a rebellious streak in the clone. [/hider] [colour=Orange]Other Personnel:[/colour] [hider=Captain Stone] [center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e3/CC-1.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20070501190841[/img][/center] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 81-2079 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] Stone, owing to his rather “charming” personality. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Captain, First-in-Command of the 120th’s 2nd Company [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Stone has done little to individualise himself, beyond a small dot that he has had tattooed above his left eye. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] As his name would suggest, Stone is grim and hard-faced. Tough on both his men and the TX-130s his Company operates, Stone is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield; his methods may be bloody, but he gets results whatever the cost to both himself and his men. [colour=Orange]Role:[/colour] Officer [/hider] [hider=Captain Dodger] [center][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/ba4f/f/2014/283/7/3/clone_trooper_red_by_hiderfriend-d829ajk.jpg[/img][/center] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 65-2917 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] Dodger, named for both his luck and skill in maneuvering the armored vehicles the company relies upon in combat. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Captain, First-in-Command of the 120th’s 3rd Company [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Dodger distinguishes himself from the other clones by the numerous faint scars and bruises that dot his face, a testament to his numerous lucky escapes during his initial years of training. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] Relaxed and always with a smile, Dodger is renowned for his ability to raise morale at even the darkest hour. A fine pilot, both skill and luck have kept him and his men alive on the battlefield. Able to direct his company with practised ease, Dodger values the men under his command for their individuality; he aims to appreciate each of them for who they are, at least once before they die. [colour=Orange]Role:[/colour] Officer [/hider] [hider=Captain Tooth] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/81/Captain.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081003191952[/img][/center] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 93-4489 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] Tooth, so named as he frequently asserts his men should fight tooth and nail for the Republic before each battle. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Captain, First-in-Command of the 120th’s Fourth Company [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Tooth has short black hair and a bristling moustache of the same colour that is fond of stroking while he thinks. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] Tooth is very much the model Clone Trooper. Vehemently loyal to the Republic until his last breath, he demands the same loyalty from his men. While he is no sadist and regrets the loss of life on the battlefield, he understands that it is a necessary evil if the Republic is to survive. Obedient and dutiful, Tooth is prepared to sacrifice himself a thousand times over if it means triumph for the Republic. [colour=Orange]Role:[/colour] Officer [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant Patch] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 74-3902 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] Patch, a name given to him by the other clones for his ability to fix up nearly any vehicle in the field. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Lieutenant, Second-in-Command of the 120th’s Second Company [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Patch has shaggy brown hair, and a light stubble. He’s also usually coated with some kind of oil or grease, not by his own design. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] As Second Company’s long suffering second-in-command, Patch has found life under Stone frustrating to say the least. Highly intelligent and unorthodox in his methods, Patch is remarkably skilled in the maintenance of the armoured vehicles used in combat. Unfortunately, Captain Stone cares little for the opinions of his subordinates, and so the Lieutenant is most often put to work making hasty repairs to the vehicles Stone destroys. [colour=Orange]Role:[/colour] Officially an Officer, but under Stone he has become a glorified mechanic. [/hider] [hider=Sergeant Major Lucky] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 30-9135 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] Lucky, an ironic name, given his long-standing bad luck. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Sergeant-Major, Second-in-Command of 3rd Company’s 1st Platoon [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Lucky has close-cropped blonde hair, and a missing tooth on the top left position in his mouth. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] Unlike the Captain of his company, Dodger, Sergeant-Major Lucky is perhaps the unluckiest clone alive. Passed up for every promotion, it is a wonder he has even risen as far as he has. Bitter about the name the other clones have given him, Lucky is determined and focused in combat, concentrating on proving himself through his deeds in battle. Unfortunately this usually ends poorly, in some way or another. [colour=Orange]Role:[/colour] Officer [/hider] [hider=Corporal Dancer] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 39-2854 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] Dancer, named for his skills in piloting an AT-RT and inability to dance without falling over. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Corporal, Second-In-Command of 1st Company’s 1st Squad [colour=Orange]Distinguishing features:[/colour] Dancer has grown his hair out a little, and coloured a patch of it a dark purple. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] More comfortable with the legs of an AT-RT than his own, Dancer is a soldier with a good heart and tendency for clumsiness. One of the better Scouts in 1st Company, he is dedicated and loyal, if a little bumbling at times. [colour=Orange]Role:[/colour] Scout [/hider] [hider=Lieutenant BG] [colour=Orange]Number:[/colour] CT 21-0238 [colour=Orange]Name:[/colour] BG, short for Big Guns, named for his love of firing the heavy weaponry mounted on the armoured vehicles. [colour=Orange]Rank:[/colour] Lieutenant, Second-in-Command of the 120th’s Fourth Company [colour=Orange]Distinguishing Features:[/colour] BG’s hair is cropped short, and he sports a small brown beard. [colour=Orange]Personality:[/colour] BG is known for his focus and precision within combat. A reserved man, he speaks only when he needs to, and spends most of his time close to the heavy weaponry of the armoured battalion. [colour=Orange]Role:[/colour] Officer/Munitions Expert [/hider] [/hider]