Dragonling name: Sasha Gender: female Species: night glo Personality: Protective of rider and she enjoys the company of her rider. she hates it when anyone but her rider tries to tell her what to do. She enjoys getting the scales along her jaw scratched Looks: As a Hatchling: [hider=Lil baby][img]http://rlv.zcache.com/cute_black_dragon_puzzle-rfecb440b6275464fb4d3e7d421b3fc77_ambtl_8byvr_324.jpg[/img][/hider] As an adult: [hider=grown up] [img]http://stuffpoint.com/dragons/image/126981-dragons-dragon-spread-wings.jpg[/img] [/hider] but without the spines Hatchling Abilities:(check under your dragon species) 1) Make a spark -hatchlings can do 2) Small flame- hatchlings can do 3) Heat something up- hatchlings can do