[center][h3][color=black]Raymond Severus Jones[/color][/h3] [IMG]http://s1.favim.com/orig/8/boy-cigarette-evening-guy-lighs-Favim.com-169597.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Café [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Harvey [@Altered Tundra] and a note to Marilee [@LovelyAnastasia] [/center][hr][hr] [b][color=black]"Yo Nate, coming right up, my friend."[/color][/b] Ray rebounded Harvey's presumptious attitude, while enthousiastically flipping him the finger as though it was a happy and welcoming gesture of their long lasting friendship. [center][img]http://i.giphy.com/QwEGR6y93fieY.gif[/img][/center] In a way, Ray experienced it like that today. As with all his pent up frustration and anger, it was nice to come by someone every now and then, that he felt deserved to be buried under his unfiltered negativity, so he felt free to unleash it upon them. Because of that, being an asshole, was sometimes perceived as an act of kindness to Ray. Most people deserved better than that though. But Harvey did not. And under no circumstance ever, was Ray going to bow for any kind of intimidation. Be it as seemingly trifling as a way of ordering coffee, or any other way. No fucker fucked with him. Under the skin of his forehead, he felt the pricking of two horns that were just waiting for the right moment. If Harvey turned out to be in a bad mood and decided to fight him, Ray would only need two seconds to turn himself into a gigantic black Ram. Almost like a big bull. But bigger. And stronger. A fight would clear his mind, he was actually looking forward to that. [i][color=black]come on..[/color][/i] He eyed Harvey [i][color=black]..make a wrong move.[/color][/i] The events on the night before hadn't allowed him much sleep, which could explain the bad mood that he was in today. After he had slightly patched up his headwound after the earthquake, Johanna had been able to get herself together and she 'helped' a bit with cleaning up the damage. But soon Ray had decided to leave it for this morning. When Joey had left, Ray had found himself with an unconscious girl he had drugged and of whom he had no idea where her apartment was. So he had decided to take her home. Which became a lot easier when he had shifted into a hybrid form of Ram and man. [hider][img]https://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper_mirror/goatman_half_creature_mythological_abstract_hd-wallpaper-1709392.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][color=black]Drug the girl, take her home.. I'm glad there was nobody to see that happening.[/color][/i] Once home he had put her on his bed and chose the couch as his own place to sleep for that night. Not wanting to make things any worse, he hadn't dared undress her, so Marilee had been fully clothed. All Ray did was put a blanket over her to keep her warm. Before going to sleep himself he had written her a little note that he had placed next to her on his nightstand. [center][color=black]Good Morning Marilee, You are currently in my apartment. Last night you fell asleep and I didn't know where to take you, so here you are. I'm either gone to work at the café or still sleeping on the couch or somewhere in between. Feel free to make yourself breakfast or to come get some at the café. I'll promise not to drug you this time. Ray. this is my number by the way: 06-47832916 [/color][/center]