[center][h2]Reward Review[/h2][/center] [h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/83037-ebonfort/char?page=2#post-3190947]Genrit’khaath[/url][/h3] [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] Bodybuilding: 4 Aerobatics: 8 Land Navigation: 3 Endurance: 5 Hunting: 4 Wilderness Survival: 1 Intimidation: 2 Observation: 4 Negotiation: 1 Unarmed Combat: 8 [u][b]Knowledge:[/b][/u] Knowledge: Other dragons have claimed my territory Knowledge: Using breath weapon indirectly to cause forest fire Knowledge: The breath weapon of acid dragons smells sickly-sweet Knowledge: The green female has a hoard somewhere in my territory [u][b]Other[/b][/u] Injury: Fractured right tibia/fibia due to fall. Will heal with no permanent damage if treated by a Journeyman+ healer in seven days. Will heal with permanent limp if treated by self within 7 days. Will become unusable if left untreated OR if Genrit fights or hunts anything larger than a normal deer in the next 7 days. Injury: Large acid burn to right face and neck. Will heal with no permanent damage if treate by Journeyman+ healer in the next 7 days. Will heal with permanent skin scarring and visual (bot not functional) deformity to scales if treated by self in the next 7 days. Will heal with permanent scarring to skin, muscle, and scale growth if not treated. [i]All other injuries sustained are superficial and will heal with no permanent damage in the next 14 days.[/i] [b][u]Plot note:[/u][/b] Genrit's forest fire has attracted the attention of Pyresian scouts out on patrol. [@Tuddums]