[center][h3][color=800080]Marilee E. Laikos[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.skyrock.net/1720/92911720/pics/3257989798_1_17_txl0yZ8Z.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] bursting into the Café [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] rather peeved with Ray[@obscurus], not paying attention to Harvey [@Altered Tundra] or Peter [@MiddleEarthRoze][/center][hr][hr] She was pissed. And that was putting it delicately. Her head was killing her and she didn't have that itchy feeling she was o used to, which meant she had used a lot of magic yesterday. Or last night. Funny enough she didn't really remember. The thing she last clearly remembered was getting her tea and taking a sip. Which meant one thing. And boy was she aching to make more than a light bulb burst right now. It took a lot to get her angry, but doing something so reckless and foolish as to drug someone who made things levitated and [i]burst[/i]... Someone could of gotten hurt. Someone might of gotten hurt. She couldn't even remember if she had hurt someone or not! A phone call was [u]not[/u] the way this guy was going to get a piece of her mind. Without any make up and still in her slept in clothes from yesterday, her boots pounded into the concrete as she marched in the direction of the cafe she had her last memory in. Her eyes had a dangerous red tint to them, but with the unusual use of magic yesterday her hands were spared from the violent blood-colored glow. [center][i]Good Morning Marilee, You are currently in my apartment. Last night you fell asleep and I didn't knew where to take you, so here you are. I'm either gone to work at the café or still sleeping on the couch or somewhere in between. Feel free to make yourself breakfast or to come get some at the café. I'll promise not to drug you this time. Ray.[/i][/center] It was mockingly cheerful. Waking up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar man's room at said man's unfamiliar place was not a comforting thing to go through. In fact it was down right terrifying, and if she hadn't been dressed in her own clothes and feeling fitter than ever, she'd of puked right on his bedroom floor. So her anger stemmed from the fear of the unknown. Her headache wasn't helping her mood either. And so now she was going to get answers. Face to face, the old fashion way. [color=a187be]"[b][i]You![/i][/b]"[/color] her voice was a harsh but very clear whisper, a stark contrast from the dreamy honeyed voice from her drugged and relaxed state. The door to the cafe had let the witch in with a squeal and her dark hair was lifting dangerously at the end of every tendril. In her sleep wrinkled clothes and without her impressively dark make up, she still looked fearsome. Any angry and confused woman who could meet the guy who drugged her would. [color=a187be]"You think it's all fine and dandy to [i]drug[/i] your customers?"[/color] her voice was as cold as ice, though her eyes burned red as she crossed the cafe, right up to the counter. Never mind that there were other people inside. Never mind that she was itching to punch this idiot right between his eyes. Never mind anything at all. She wanted a bloody explanation. Now. Flicking her fingers, the door to the counter lifted and she smoothly walked right up to the dark haired cafe worker. Her face looked so calm on the outside, the raging violence that burned in her eyes was close to that of a feral animal. [color=a187be]"Care to explain,"[/color] her eyes narrowed, [color=a187be]"[i]Ray[/i], was it?"[/color]