[u]Matt[/u] Matt got into the class room and sat down Just before the names began being called. He at first thought he was the last one there, but someone else arrived just as their name was called. [i]Nice timing, Sasha,[/i] thought Matt. Of course, they never met, but arriving just in time was quite a feat. The teacher finished the roll call and told everyone to open their books to page 83. Matt frowned and looked around. He didn't have a biology book, only a note book. He rose his hand, somewhat embarrassed. [b]"Yes, Matthew?"[/b] asked the teacher. [b]"I don't have a biology book."[/b] replied Matt, and the teacher handed him one. After a while he raised his hand again. [b]"Yes?"[/b] asked the teacher, this time annoyed. [b]"Could I have a pencil?"[/b] asked Matt. The teacher handed him a pencil. Another while passed, then he rose his hand again. [b]"Yes?"[/b] the teacher asked, now clearly irritated. [b]"My lead just broke."[/b] Matt replied. [b]"You may sharpen it."[/b] replied the teacher. Meanwhile, some of the students were finding this very entertaining, and thought, as well as the teacher, that Matt was doing it all on purpose.