[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmIwNDcyMS5RbkpwYlhCbGJIUSwuMA,,/pitch-display.regular.png[/img] The male purred in amusement, watching at the deputy walked over and asked the two of them to go on a hunting patrol right after he'd asked Snowthorn wanted to go out with him into the mountains. It was almost as if the tom had heard him and asked the two to go on patrol to make it seem as if it was his own idea. They were free to be here after all, and they never would be able to force every day to report to them when they left. Much less those who used to live in much more dangerous conditions and voluntarily joined the clan to take the load off their own shoulders. He watched the orange tabby walk away before returning his attention to the she-cat beside him. He paced around her, feigning interest in the other warriors of the clan, though he was aware of who was still there. [color=#7E3817]"We can manage it on your own." [/color]He said with complete confidence in their abilities. There weren't many warriors left to protect the camp from possible attacks that could happen while they were gone. [color=#7E3817]"A few bigger birds, some small rodents and the fresh kill pile is stocked."[/color] Brimpelt wasn't hesitant as he spoke, having not really spent much time inside of the camp after having gotten here. He spent most of his time exploring their new territory. Of everyone in the clan, he was the only one thus far to have found a set of tunnels besides those they made their home in, and fully intended to keep them secret from everyone he didn't trust. Naturally, when the tom had reached the flirtatious confidence he had intended to tease the she-cat with he heard his apprentice yelling and his mood flipped immediately. The small hint of playfulness in his vanished, fury clear in his demeanor as he turned to look at the apprentice that had been calling for him and Owlkit. [color=#7E3817]"Grinitepaw!" [/color]His voice was louder, commanding and outright furious with the younger cat. Such childish behavior would not be tolerated of the cat that he was meant to train. The warrior obviously held no bias with the apprentice as the younger brother of the Deputy, as he stalked over to the apprentice and waked him on the side of the head with his paw, and none too gently. "Behave. Yelling this early in unacceptable." He scolded, his voice low as he looked at the apprentice with green eyes as cold.[color=#7E3817] "If you opened your eyes and used what untapped brain power rests inside of you, then you might have seen I was standing in front of you." [/color] [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjMyLmI4YzBjYy5VbWwyWlhKemIyNW4uMg,,/indelible.regular.png[/img] The Queen purred, amused by the kits discomfort as she groomed her silently while the kit spoke. She was a mess, and Ravenfeather hadn't woken up quite yet. The Queen needed her rest with her kit since she was still nursing, though the silver Queen wasn't yet as heavily pregnant as she could be. "That is what mothers are for young one." The Queen murred just as the tom warrior padded over to her and Willowkit. [color=#98AFC7]"Morning Nettlefang~"[/color] Riversong mused, reaching out to brush her nose along her mates cheek, nearly laughing with how worried the tom was already getting. [color=#98AFC7]"We're fine Nettlefang."[/color] She assured him, her tail curling protectively around her swollen stomach to show him that she was aware and healthy. [color=#98AFC7]"Sagekit and Owlkit are still curled up with Ravenfeather, and Willowkit here got up early."[/color] She teased the little she-kit with a playful wink. Of course the Queen's mood turned the moment that Ravenfeather burst out of the nursery, screaming bloody murder and about Owlkit being gone. She went from relaxed and playful to alert and worried, her eyes instantly flicking around for a glimpse of the small toms pelt. The last she'd seen the young tom he had been curled up against his mothers side, sleeping soundly. She turned her worried gaze to Nettlefang, knowing he was better at tracking than she ever had been, and hoped he'd catch the hint. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljk2NjcwZC5UR1Z2Y0dGeVpHdHBkQSwsLjA,/battle-breath.regular.png[/img] The she-cat had been laying on a ledge higher in the cavern since she had gotten up in the middle of the night, neither Queen having noticed her moving or that she was gone in the morning. It was often that she was gone when they woke up, the female having long since formed solitary habits befitting her namesake. She'd never had a name before coming here to the clans either, having been living in trees, surviving on hibernating squirrels and birds before Riversong had wandered by on a hunting trip. She was over five months then, with a squirrel hanging from her jaws and had gone back with her and Nettlefang knowing she'd need the safety for then. That, and she wouldn't have a nest to call home once the clan had enough power to drive out rival cats. She opened her eyes as the second queen came out of the nursery, headed toward her adoptive mother, wondering where her kit had gone. Since their meeting, Owlkit had watched Leopardkit scaling the most dangerous cracks in the cavern walls up to her ledge, but she hadn't seen the younger tom anywhere that morning. [color=#C68E17]"Check the clearing outside. He's a kit, so he probably wandered off."[/color] She called down from her perch, several cat lengths up. One of her paws hung over the edge, her claws stretching slowly and scraping along the stone. Of the younger cats, and those in Boulderclan really, Leopardkit had some of the longest and sharpest claws - as well as one of the least caring attitudes. When she spoke she rarely sounded interested, always bored or preferring to be off doing something else, but at the strangest times she'd give the smallest hint to something. Kindness wrapped in bored sarcasm. Leopardkit closed her eyes then, her tail hanging off the side of the ledge, hanging too far for any of the other cats to reach from the cavern floor, and just out of the sunlights reach. The patch of grass that Riversong sat in was given life by the opening in the ceiling of the main cavern of the Boulderclan's camp, inside of the side of a mountain. Her pelt waslight against the grey of the stone, a disadvantage to hunting against it, but the darker spots helped her blend in when she sneaked away from the clan and stalked the back tunnels, hunting alone. She enjoys the dark, the silence of the tunnels and how easy it was to sneak up on any prey animal or cat she found inside them. When fresh prey ended up on the fresh kill pile in the mornings, before even the dawn patrol had left, and she lay on her ledge sleeping, everyone knew where the animal had come from but no one would question it. Not with a tongue just as sharp as her claws and the temper to match.