Coffee was always a strange experience. It was a bit of a roulette that often went with either a perky boost for a good couple of hours before a tremendous crash, an extra mild dose of slightly slower consciousness for an hour or two before fully waking up, or a completely uneventful day free from any effects, good or bad. Then there was that very rare moment when he would straight up crash right out of the gate for no reason... Oh...did something just happen? He had this nagging feeling in the back of his mind, like he was supposed to respond to something a good couple of seconds ago. Maybe it was today's coffee effects... Eventually glancing away from the pages of the book, coffee right at his lips again, the redhead took another second to assess the person now standing in the middle of the...wait, someone was standing there. Had they just been talking? Was that why they were glaring like that? Was that a glare? He didn't know! [i]Too much! Mayday![/i] [color=ed1c24]"Ah! Uh, eep!"[/color] Jumping a bit, Spinel suddenly realized the coffee and rushed to cover the top of the cup with his hand. Nothing good could possibly come of ruining someone else's book, after all. Wincing slightly at the hot liquid splashing slightly against the skin, he turned his attention back toward the woman standing there with a somewhat nervous grin. [color=ed1c24]"Er, I mean-- Hello? May I help you? Still waking up, sorry! What happened again?"[/color]