Winter was an ugly beast, and the yellow pixeliated creature was not equipped to handle the harsh temperatures. Shivering, the flying insect swooped down from the snowy sky into the dimly lit town. Figuring that in order to land safely with the howling winds pushing it around, the yellow creature stumbled downward into the vastly large, yet empty street; which had not yet been plowed. The creature buzzed, than tucked it's thin, translucent wings close to it's body, as if it could keep itself warm. The appearance of the large insect began to completely form. It was a bright sunflower yellow in colour, with brown strips lining it's torso. It had many legs, (about six appropriately) that varied between two sizes, with large brown claws on each end. It was also equipped with a large steel looking stinger on it's tail-end, and similarly coloured spikes on each side of it's torso. On top of it's head, cobalt blue anteni flopped down in front of it's round face. The mere size the insect would be terrifying alone, but soft, frightened gaze of it's large green eyes told a different story. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh dear,"[/color] the yellow bug whispered to itself in a posh but feminine voice. [color=bc8dbf]"Where have I ended up?"[/color] She looked around her, absorbing her unfamiliar surroundings. The bug had seen buildings before, but the feeling of this place made her on edge. She couldn't explain it, but there was a difference to this town than other towns she had visited before. Despite the quietness and the low lighting of the night, the insect could sense that this place was truly. . . how could she explain it? It was if this place was truly. . . alive.