Birth Name: Martha von Reidenberg Other Names: N/A Gender: Female Age: 28 Titles: the Old Doctor Appearance: Martha isn't someone who you could spot in a crowd normally. She is roughly 170 centimeters tall, has black hair that hangs down to her shoulders, and her features have been hardened by long travel and meager diet. However, she has one accessory that stands out. She wears a white cloak, with a huge hood, signifying that she is a member of the Old Doctors. The hood has a red symbol on the front (where her eyes would be) in the shape of a snake entwined around a scalpel. However lately, the cloak goes unworn and hidden, replaced instead with regular clothing made to avoid being noticed. Personality: Martha is often silent. She does speak, but often, she could get her point across with a facial expression. However, those facial expressions are almost always either condescending or questioning. Only rarely does one receive a rare thin smile, and a more commonly, those same people are on the painful end of a vicious slap. She shows great zeal for the ways of the Pagans, and her greatest fear is that the Christian Church would stamp out the traditions that she held so dear. And so, her greatest wish is to reestablish the ways of the past. Martha rarely communicates with people. When she does, she speaks bluntly, eschewing two words when one would serve perfectly fine. Her words are direct, and she rarely dances around any subject, no matter what "formality" says. She has little care for the squabbling of other's, and when people come to her seeking help, usually she couldn't be bothered. Psychic Talent: Illusions and false perceptions are Martha's trade. The Old Doctors aren't really as effective as the local German stories say, and most often, all she does is relieve their pain as a "treatment". She can create images seemingly out of thin air, such as an attention grabbing streaker, and in other cases, people around her might hear something out of place, such as a conveniently distracting scream. A near vital trick that has helped her escape scraps with larger more dangerous people in the past. Martha has always known of the "trick", as she likes to call it. It has been a huge part of her life since the beginning. She could preform the trick even before she could walk or speak. Often, as a small child of 5 or 6, she would have to escape the fists of large bullies. They would chase her into dense forests, and she would compel their minds to believe they were hearing rustling leaves or footsteps, and run after the source of the "noise". This would go on for an hour, then they would give up. The village people saw this as a sign, and sought out the Old Doctors for help. They saw what she could do, and quickly inducted her into their ranks, where little Martha found home. Skills: Martha's real talent is medicine. She has an extensive knowledge of herbs and how they effect the body. She has also learned to walk with a quiet step, having been chased for quite a while. She can also play the violin surprisingly well, despite the fact that she doesn't own one. There was a family in Reidenberg with a violin, and she took an immediate interest in it, teaching herself over the years. Weapons: Illusion tricks. Mostly, She attempts to avoid fighting, commonly through escape. If there is no choice but to take arms, Martha will attempt to avoid any honorable combat, preferring to create distractions or twist the environment to her advantage. Anything to escape being on even ground with an enemy. However, the moment she must fight directly, she's doomed. History: Martha is truly raised by the village. No one knows where she came from, not even herself. She just showed up one day in the small village of Reidenberg, a little child standing in the middle of the town square, dressed entirely in sloppily worked hide and clutching a smaller ball of the same skins. The people were very kindly and extremely superstitious, so they made an unspoken pact to care for this mysterious girl. They reasoned that with her just showing up, it must be a test of faith assigned by the Three Witches of the Moon. There, she was introduced to the Old Doctors, pagan healers of the people. She learned quickly, her eagerness for learning eventually becoming religious zeal, and ascended to the rank of the experienced before too long. However, this idealistic simple life was not to last, for the Christian Church's influence spread to this rural village, and drove out the Old Doctors. They scattered, some leaving to other places in Germany to as far as Portugal. So she ran, with the Church constantly on her tail, and has been traveling ever since. She has escaped now to Prague, where she hopes she could remain hidden forever. Now, she owns a small "hospital" in the center of the town, where she pretends to be a science based doctor. So far, the locals don't suspect a thing. Other: Martha knows that a doctor requires a sterile environment in order to preform more dangerous procedures with utmost safety. Therefore, she constantly cleans her healing cloak. At first, when she received it in Reidenberg, she cleaned it out of pure necessity, but coming to Prague, it became the only constant she could rely on in her uncertain life of fear. She washes the cloak as a sort of "end of the day" ritual.