[@AngelKitten][@CLIW] Harepaw flickered his gaze back forward, snapping back into the present. He listened in on Screefoot's questioning about rouges and of course had to add in his two cents. "They might not attack a clan directly but they can find way to weaken us." he snorted flicking his ears back once more. "Oakclan and Boulderclan took up a lot of territory... I'm sure many won't like that." His eyes momentarily gleamed with arrogance as he looked at his mentor, sneering. "You're not scare of a couple fleabrains, are you?" Pearpaw glanced over her shoulder. She shifted uncomfortably as she tried to find her voice. "W-well... F-fear is a good thing to have!" she suddenly piped up but still looked rather nervous as spoke. "It keeps you from doing foolish things!" Harepaw looked over at her and snorted. "Fear is for kits who stray too far from their mothers." [hr] [@CLIW][@CondorTheMole][@Phaesaris] Oakstar turned to look over at the patrol. It seemed that there was a bit of an issue between Sunflame and Sharpthorn. The leader sighed softly before making his way over to the three other warriors. He gave a warm smile to them, pausing to nod in greeting to Sunflame. The kittypet had a lot to learn. Some apprentice even knew more than the tom but the leader had felt that he would do better with a warrior name than that of an apprentice. It could have been discouraging. He just hoped he had made the right call. Every cat could be useful, it just took time. "Glad to have you join the patrol, Sunflame." Oakstar meowed in acknowledgement of the tom and partly to try cheer him up after noticing his energy levels had decreased. Sadly, Oakstar had missed the reason as to why. He over heard Sharpthorn's question to Burrpelt and decided to step in. "If I may," he said giving his deputy an apologetic look for stepping. "If we encounter either, we will remain cautious around both. Rouges are to be asked if they wished to join. If they do not want to, we will attempt to escort them off Oakclan territory. If they refuse the escort, we will resort to chasing them off." he meowed. "Boulderclan cats, however, are to be immediately sent back to their own territory unless they give a good reason for crossing into our territory. Since they are living right next to us, there is a greater need to enforce the barrier between our territories. Though it is unlikely we will receive much trouble from them at the moment, it is good to stay vigilant." Oakstar told his warriors. He had a great faith in the clans and one day believed that rouges would be a problem of the past and when that day came, he wanted to make sure Boulderclan knew there would be no treading on Oakclan. Oakstar glanced back to make sure Frostwhisker was ready before flicking his tail as he moved towards the entrance. "We should get going. Don't want to burn too much daylight."