[@l0ck0n] [i][color=#C2C2C2]Wow, I might just actually make a friend here. Sure she is a bit stuck up but hey that doesn’t re-[/color][/i] Liam thought as she slapped his hand away and told him to pass every single exercise in the pamphlet. [color=#C2C2C2]Back to square one[/color] He sighed as he proceeded to take a seat at his desk and focused on the pamphlet. He somehow managed to get through eighty percent of the pamphlet prior to their conversation so he decided to complete it despite the fact the lunch bell already rang two minutes earlier. As he finished it he looked it over again he gave another deep sigh. [i][color=#C2C2C2]Why the hell am I doing this? And for a girl who acts like life owes her something for her existence.[/color] [/i] [color=#C2C2C2]All this life owes any of us is suffering and death[/color] Liam said aloud as he got up and walked over to Manami desk’s and threw the pamphlet on her desk. [color=#C2C2C2]You be the judge of whether or not you “want to even think about getting to know me” I couldn’t give a rats ass about who you want to get to know or not. If you want to get to know me fine, if not I can’t really say I would feel hurt about it. But if you would rather have an academically smart “friend” who would do nothing but lick your ass all day than someone who would tell you the truth and would like you for who you are rather than what you have, than I would rather not know you at all[/color]. He said before moving towards the door. [color=#C2C2C2]Oh and I’ll be on the roof should you want to seek me out.[/color] He said with a smile before walking out of the classroom. [color=#C2C2C2]That woman….She’s stuck up, snobby and borderline bully. But there’s something about that makes me want to…to……[/color] [color=#FF3DCB]Save her? Fix her? Maybe both?[/color] Liam suddenly tensed as he heard her voice. The voice that brought him so much joy. The voice that, at one point, was the only motivation he needed to keep going. The voice of his sister. [color=#FF3DCB]Do you honestly think YOU can help her? Baka you could not even help me…. What more that stupid girl?[/color] [color=#C2C2C2]Not now[/color] [color=#FF3DCB]Ooh hit a little to home did I? Maybe I should stick to the answers you can deal with. Why did you let me die? Surely if you are strong enough to stand up to that little bitch you could’ve saved me right? Right?![/color] [color=#C2C2C2]Y-you know I couldn’t do anything sis[/color] [color=#FF3DCB]BULLSHIT!!![/color] She said now appearing in front of Liam. She stood there, with blood pouring down all over her. Her left arm looked like a child’s broken plastic toy, bending and twisting in ways he couldn’t even comprehend. Her left eye was closed and Liam could see her ribs poking out of her stomach. He slowly averted his gaze in disgust as tears slowly started to appear on his face. [color=#FF3DCB]LOOK AT ME YOU COWARDLY SHIT YOU[/color] She snapped as she started to limp towards him [color=#FF3DCB]WHY DIDN’T YOU SAVE ME ONEE-CHAN?! I COULD STILL BE ALIVE HAD YOU SAVED ME! BUT INSTEAD YOU WERE TOO WEAK TO EVEN PULL OFF YOUR OWN FUCKING SEATBEALT.[/color] She said finally standing in front of him. [color=#C2C2C2]No[/color] [color=#FF3DCB]YES![/color] [color=#C2C2C2]NO!![/color] Liam shouted now having a full blown conversation with the air. Thankfully he was away from anyone that could’ve heard him. [color=#FF3DCB]Yes. What’s the point of being alive if you can’t help those around you? Dad said that once didn’t he?[/color] [color=#C2C2C2]Stop……Please……[/color] Liam whimpered as the tears began streaming down his cheeks as he buried his face in his hands as he now was reliving the event with the commentary of his dead sister. [color=#FF3DCB]Stop telling you the truth? C’mon we both know you could have saved me…but you did not… why the hell are you even fucking alive? You should be dead. You know what I am going to give you some good advice I think you should heed. Go and jump off the roof of this scho-[/color] [color=#C2C2C2]LEAVE ME ALONE!!![/color] He screamed once more banging his fist against a wall. [color=#FF3DCB]Hmph. Look at you, a pathetic mess is what you are. You really are a pitiful slob. I’ll leave you out of pity…..but never forget what you couldn’t do. Or I’ll be back……[/color] She said in the most monotone voice before going into a high pitched girl voice. [color=#FF3DCB]See ya Tonight ONEEEE CHAN![/color] She said as she limped away around the corner, leaving Liam crying at the bottom of the stairs that led to the roof. Liam darted up those stairs and out onto the roof, noticing what appeared to be a small lunch table. He walked over there and put his backpack on the table and sat down. A slowly wiped the tears off his eyes and pulled out a packed sandwich, notebook, a spectacles case and pencil from his backpack and begun to write whilst wiping tears off his face.