(Because FunnyGuy told me to) As Norman typed away in spreadsheets full of his clients' finances, he took a bit of time to look around the room. Not for people, oh God no, but just for things that were strange, out of place. And then he saw three men, dressed in black suits, ask his boss where... He was? Who the hell were these people? Then, he saw it: as the men approached his cubicle, things sort of slowed down, and Norman saw the men reach into an inner pocket of their jackets and pull out pistols. Time just paused for a second. Norman saw the pistols perfectly, all visually identical, the guns being black Glock 18s. In that moment it hit Norman... These guys are Evo hunters. He didn't ask for this, he didn't even fucking want it, and now people are trying to kill him because he can make tornadoes? Oh hell no. Time sped up, maybe faster than normal, and Norman stood up from his desk, the men firing several shots, one of which was centimeters away from hitting Norman's temple and grazed his nose. Norman then turned around to the walls, made of glass, and turned back around at the men. He then held out the palm of his hand, in which a miniature dust storm began to form, and ran around with it as the men shot at him. When it was large enough to knock the men to the floor, he threw the dust storm at the trio, which threw them against another wall, knocking them to the floor. While they laid there, Norman took the time to run straight at the glass wall and shatter it, falling two stories into an alleyway. He hit the concrete hard, several shards of glass sticking into his lower abdomen and some tiny ones into his face. No time to stop because he was hurt, he had to run. As he hurried out of the alley, he looked for somewhere to hide... He saw a coffee shop across the road. That'll work. He ran inside and slid under one of the table, trying to hide from the men. They emerged from his office, looking around, before just walking away nonchalantly as if nothing happened... Norman then crawled out from under the table, still clutching his stomach area, before turning around to see who was sitting at the table that he slid under. He saw an Irish man, with a thick beard and bulky build, and a blonde girl. "Uh... Sorry." [@Nallore], [@pockets]