Granitepaw Current Location: Boulderclan camp. Interactions: [@ViolentViolet] Brimpelt Running around wildly he didn't stop before the moment when he heard his name get called loudly from a cat nearby casuing him to skid to a halt and pant slightly before glancing to the larger tom who didn't waste any time approaching him and whacking him with his paw causing Granitepaw to flinch- [color=gray]"Oww..."[/color] he said and glared to the bigger tom for a while as he spoke ill of him. [color=gray]"Oh. So you must be Grumpy Tom Brumpelt... "[/color] he siad shaking it off somewhat before snorting. His tail somewhat flicking in the air as he wre a bit annoyed, "Well good, I see you've come to your senses and finally gotten of that lazy bum of yours." he said as he got up and started to wander a circle around Brimpelt. Clearing his throat Granitepaw continued to glare at Brimpelt as he walked around him. [color=gray]"Well listen up and listen up good, From this day onwards I expect you to be up and about it at first light, You will be ready to start training within a minute's notice. You will answer all my questions I have for you, and you will adress me as 'my apprentice' and nothing else. The day's of being a pussycat is now over, and I swear by the name of our great leader that I Granitepaw, will make a Fine Teacher of you Yet. Now you sorry excuse for a furball, Am I clear?. Or do I need to remind you that if you waver for a moment or disregard your duties you will have something much worse than a bear to worry about.And that is with the greetings of our great leader." [/color]he said firmly as he starred at Brimpelt. He then stopped in front of him where he starred up at the bigger Tom. [color=gray]"Besides what does it matter if we're loud?, most warriors should be awake at this hour, and those who wish to lazy their bums off or sleep in after night watch should be prepared that noise can be heard. Our Enemy, those Oakclan scum, also already know that we live here... if they would happen to hear our shouting well then let us shout with the ferosity of a million cats so that they'll tremble in their nest at the mention of our name. "[/color] he said and then sat down. [color=gray]"Now... are you going to instruct me on how to be a warrior or will you wuzz out?"[/color] he said