[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmFiMGNjNi5Sbkp2YzNSM2FHbHphMlZ5LjA,/mrs-sheppards.regular.png[/img] The Medicine Cat nodded in response as her mated told her to pick, her largely fluffy pelt brushing against him as she lifted herself off of the grass and walked toward the Apprentice Den. She had fully intended to bring an apprentice out with her today, though she hadn't thought it would be with the morning patrol. Of course, Oakstar was always protective of her especially, even if she had yet to tell him about the second litter of kits she was carrying for him. Ears pricked she listened to the apprentices conversation before sticking her head inside of the Den, purring in amusement. [color=#4E387E]"Smokepaw may go with you after boarder patrol. He's coming with us to help me collect herbs."[/color] A boring job, but one she knew the shy apprentice would appreciate. Not to mention he'd never been on a patrol before and it would benefit him greatly to join them for the experience. He may even meet a cat worthy of being his mentor. She heard his small mew of agreement and gave her farewells to the other two apprentices before backing away from the den and back over to the patrol with Smokepaw in tow. [color=#4E387E]"We're ready to go Oakstar."[/color] Frostwisker greeted as she and the smaller black cat walked over to the group. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjMyLjBmNjFkNy5SbVZoZEdobGNuZG9hWE5yWlhJLC4w/funkrocker.regular.png[/img] The young warrior was glad to have been able to help Petalwhisker in her worries, and bowed her head in respect when the Queen spoke. She couldn't tell why she was as worried as she was about Shadowkit's training, but Frostwhisker had been the same when teaching her and her littermates, so she assumed it was something only mothers understood. She wouldn't contest her anxiety, it was a dangerous time after all, and the system was just barely beginning to set in for the clan. Cats still got up too late and those who used to be kittypets were not yet used to the rough life that is living in the wild. [color=#1589FF]"If it is some small council, Petalwhisker, you may speak with Oakstar about Shadowkits apprenticeship. He will listen if you have a cat you feel with best teach and protect Shadowkit."[/color] Featherwhisker wouldn't deny her an opinion, and she knew neither would her father since the cat had been reasonable as long as she'd known him. Glancing to the side she saw Spottedblossom watching her from her nest, the four young kits curled up against her side and she excused herself politely. [color=#1589FF]"I should let you both go back to sleep. Let me know if you need anything Petalwhisker, Spottedblossom."[/color] And with that the young she-cat backed out of the nursery, leaving the entrance empty and unblocked though covered by the natural moss and lichen that grew there. She let her blue eyes wander, looking for something to do and a patrol to join, though as far as she could see the boarder patrol had enough cats on it to withhold. On the other hand both Burrpelt and Oakstar were going on it as a show of power. Walking over to her father after making sure there were still enough cats in camp to protect it, she bowed her head to the older toms respectfully and trailed the tip of her tail over her mothers side. [color=#1589FF]"If I may I would like to lead a hunting patrol to restock the fresh kill pile. Witheredpaw needs experience, and the clan needs prey. Spottedblossom and the kits will be waking soon and there's nothing fresh in camp."[/color] She reasoned, already planning on taking Witheredpaw and Tigersky with her. The two young warriors and apprentice would be enough to hunt nearby in case of danger while the patrol was gone. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmY2NTkwNC5VMjF2YTJWd1lYYywuMA,,/last-living-souls.regular.png[/img] Smokepaw had grow uncomfortable with how much talking Eelpaw was doing, though it felt nice to be invited along somewhere by someone else, and one of his ears perked up in interest, but he didn't say anything as he ad Witherpaw exchanged comments. The two go along well and fit into clan life just fine, whereas the small apprentice with big feet had trouble fitting in with the graceful and strong warriors. All he really was good at was climbing trees and catching small birds and rodents. Sootpaw and Ripplepaw had left to go training recently, so they wouldn't be back for a while either, and the tom could get some practice by going with them. He had been about to open his mouth when a white head stuck itself through the weaved entrance to the den, off coloured eyes looking at the three of there as if making a split second decision. The Medicine Cat meowed, asking for his assistance with herbs and he nodded his approval. [color=#C04000]"Of course Frostwhisker."[/color] He responded, giving the two other apprentices an apologetic look before following the Medicine Cat out of the Apprentice Den. She was headed straight for the group of others heading on boarder patrol, and regardless of how much he didn't want to interact, he knew he would at the very least have to answer when spoken to by on of the warriors. He could get away with ignoring apprentices. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmY5ODVlNS5VM0J2ZEhSbFpHSnNiM056YjIwLC4w/anakronism.regular.png[/img] The Queen lay on her side in her nest, curled around the four young kits nestled in her belly, when Featherwhisker looked inside of the den. Shadowkit and Petalwhisker at been awake at the time, and she didn't mind the noise since her kits generally slept through anything unless they were hungry, so she listened to the conversation. When the young warrior realized she was awake Spottedblossom blinked for her to continue and she had, answering the other Queen's concerns without hesitation. After the warrior was gone on the other hand, Spottedblossom looked over at Petalwhisker just as her own kits started wiggling around and waking up. [color=#e38aa3]"Anything I can do Petalwhisker?"[/color] She asked as the kits mewed and yawned, waking up slowly though when the ginger tom pushed himself over the others out of the nest she knew he was up to no good and the others would follow after him. [color=#e38aa3]"And off the little monsters go."[/color] She purred, amused by the small kits actions. They may have been her first litter but she was comfortable here with them, glad to know that she didn't have to worry about them escaping with so many other cats keeping watch for runaway kits. The tortoiseshell Queen yawned herself, stretching out after the kits had scampered off, and beginning her morning grooming since they would need it once they go back anyway. Perhaps she would get something to eat soon. [hr] Sunkit trampled over his littermates, waking them up on his way out of the nest to explore the camp, since his mother was sleeping and couldn't do anything about it. The small pale ginger tabby tom stepped on one of his sisters faces before rolling and tumbling off of them onto the bed of moss growing on the den floor. Standing and shaking out his pelt, he raised his tail proudly and bounded out of the den, followed quickly by the others behind him. Duskkit woke up to a paw on her nose and shook her head to dislodge whoever it was that had been pawing at her face, but ended up sending Sunkit stumbling over the other kits and falling off of the nest. Laughing she stood and followed him out, her pale calico pelt dusty and messed up from her sleep, sticking out at off angles. Palekit growled when the warmth on one side of him was gone, Duskkit having gotten up and left him in bed with Spottedblossom and their other sister. Annoyed and now, very cold and awake, he climbed out of the nest and followed after the other two, his narrowed pale grey eyes glaring at his brothers back as he walked away. He had no idea where they were going but someone had to keep the other two from causing trouble. Dapplekit woke up alone in the nest to Spottedblossom standing up and stretching, alarmed to not know where her littermates were. Her mother quickly signaled that they had gone out into the clearing and she followed just in time to hear them plotting about attacking Burrpelt. She thought the idea would be fun, and had liked the Deputy since he had brought the rabbit to their mothers side upon her discovery. The four kits together, giggled and ran across the clearing, bounding like rabbits, each with their tail in the air and mischief in their eyes. The tom wasn't expecting the sudden onslaught of kittens, each one of them leaping to tackle him even though the weight of the entire litter wouldn't really bring him down. He'd been talking to one of the other warriors, and the clan leader was there, but why would two month old kits care? They wanted to have fun, and attacking one of the warriors was one of their favourite things to do, aside from throwing walnuts around and teasing Dapplekit by not letting her have it.