[center] [color=maroon] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m17ox4M4LI1r99f4t.gif[/img] [h3][i]"In the end, that girl who crushed your heart, or that boy who cheated on you, they're just going to be insignificant chapters in the epic novel that is your life. If thinking about that doesn't cheer you up then I can always point you in the direction of alcohol."[/i] - [b]Galahad Cross[/b][/h3] [h3][b]General[/b][/h3] [b]Name: Galahad Cross [/b] [b]Nick-Names: Gally by very close friends[/b] [b]Fairy Tale Character Base: Merlin [/b] [b]Place of Origin: Born in London but raised in LA[/b] [b]Birth Date: 1/14/1996[/b] [b]Age:19[/b] [b]Gender:Male[/b] [b]Dorm Room Floor:14[/b] [b]Dorm Room Number:1407 [/b] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [b]Appearance- Galahad is about 6 feet tall, and is rather slim, weighing in at about 150 pounds.[/b] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m17ojzoHch1r99f4t.gif[/img] [b]Piercings, Scars or Tattoos:None[/b] ? [h3][b]Relationship[/b][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:Single[/b] [b]Sexuality:Heterosexual[/b] [b]Sexually Active:Yes[/b]? [b]Family:N/A[/b] [b]Other:N/A[/b] [h3][b]Background[/b][/h3] [b]Personality: Galahad is often times the sidekick. He's a supporter, known for his strong words of wisdom, and being a shoulder to cry on. While most people would much rather be a leader, up and in the spotlight, Galahad finds that he would much rather stand at the side of his friends. This isn't to say that Gally isn't assertive however. When he's working on a project, it's his way or no way at all. He's stubborn in his beliefs and has a strong sense of right and wrong, and a slight tendency to run his mouth when he's annoyed, traits that have resulted in one or two fights with some rather intoxicated individuals.[/b] [b]Skills: Galahad is most well known for his intelligence, as well as his skills with a camera. Being an aspiring filmmaker who grew up in LA gave him a lot of know how with a camera. Also on the creative side, he's a great writer, and always excelled with creative writing. Besides that, he isn't half bad in a fight, though he's no world class boxer, not by a long shot. He's just decent enough that he doesn't have to worry about getting his ass handed to him every time he runs his mouth.[/b] [b]Biography: Galahad Cross found his way into the world late in the evening of January 14th, 1996, in a hospital in London. His parents were Alan and Melissa Cross. Alan was a historian and taught history at Oxford, and his wife Melissa was a painter. Soon after Galahad's birth, his father was offered a job across the pond in the US, at UCLA, a job he would decide to take. And so it was that Galahad Cross found himself in a large house in Beverly Hills, growing up around the children of the rich and famous. Gally was always a decent student. Having a historian for a father was no burden to his studies. However he was always more artistically inclined, much like his mother. When he was 14 he was given his first camera, and he soon found himself making short films on the weekend. When he was looking to go away for college, many figured that he had UCLA locked down, seeing as how his dad had a job there, and Galahad himself was a rather skilled filmmaker. But for Gally, the proximity of the school to his parents was a turn off, and it was this that led him to Midnight Private Academy, where he is now starting his sophomore year of college.[/b] [b]Hobbies: Writing, making short films, reading a decent book, hanging out with friends, and listening to good music.[/b] ? [b]Major:Film[/b] [b]Minor:Creative Writing[/b] [h3][b]The Supernatural[/b][/h3] [s][b]Powers Taken: The ability to magically change the appearance of a person, animal, or object for a given period of time.[/b] [b]Power Weaknesses: Prolonged use results in fatigue, so that this ability may only be used for an hour tops.[/b][/s] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Theme Song:[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUhJRQSs6UQ]Young God- Halsey[/url][/b] [/color][/center]