[center][h1][color=blue][b]Johanna Phillips Quantum HQ Los Angeles, California [/b][/color][/h1][/center] Johanna paced apprehensively back and forth whilst her eyes stayed fixed on the one way glass separating her from the action. "I should be in there..." She half mumbles underneath her breath but loud enough for those in the viewing room to hear. "Not after what happened last time." Agent Black replied in a stern tone. Her mind instantly flashed back to the last interrogation she took part in before she got suspended and banned from the interrogation sector for six months. She was only meant to bring the husband in to threaten. Yet when the prisoner wouldn't speak Johanna coldly slit his throat right then and there like it was nothing. Still to this day she is uncertain about why what she did was so wrong. After all so many 'innocent' individuals everyday loose their lives in the crossfire from the work that they do here which apparently is okay. However, what she did is not. [i]What's one more death going to matter? He was in the "crossfire."[/i] She shook her head trying to forget the memory before her mind could recall all of the punishment she received for that misbehaviour. She should be grateful for the fact she was even allowed to be in the viewing room and standing where she currently stood but she couldn't help herself. She was itching to get in there. Itching to smack that stubborn bastard into submission. "You sure you don't want to reconsider Henry? Texting without thumbs will be hard." [i]A hour or so later....[/i] Most of the other agents beside Johanna (of course) and Agent Black had decided to leave the viewing room and occupy themselves with something far more interesting. Just as the team was about to call it quits the room fell completely silent. It looked like they had finally found his weakness. However, just as they pushed the paper and pen towards him a wicked smirk spread across his face. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT MY FAMILY! GO AHEAD, KILL MY WIFE AND KIDS! I DON'T NEED THEM!...KILL THEM JUST LIKE YOU KILLED HER PARENTS! Don't you remember sweetheart?" Johanna froze dead in her tracks as her eyes met Henry's. Even though he couldn't actually see her it looked as though he was looking straight at her. "What did he just say?" The tone of her voice seemed to drop a few octaves as all the memories, images and emotions came flooding back. Johanna could feel her chest tightening with very breath she took. "JOHANNA IT'S A LIE...his trying to provoke..." Agent Black's voice trailed off as the sound of glass shattering pierced her ears. Even if it wasn't true it didn't matter to her. Henry had blatantly attacked her and now she should 'defend' herself. [i]Punish.[/i] She rose from the shards of glass and proceeded towards Henry without even bothering to brush herself off. [i]Bang.[/i] There goes the table. It flew straight across the room and smashed up against the wall pinning the two interrogators into place and out of her way. Henry chuckles with enthusiasm, if his hands weren't tied he would surely be clapping. However, the amusement and smile quickly vanishes as he finds himself pinned by telekinetic force against the wall. He begins to struggle but it's no use. His trapped like a fly in a spiderweb. "Did you know that in their last moments people show you who they really are...so who are you Henry?" As Johanna stops still a few inches in front of Henry the shards of glass from the floor slowly begin to rise up and shift around Henry's elevated body. Her eyes remain fixed on his as pieces of glass one by one begin to pierce his skin. A sinister smile spreads across her lips as she hears him cry out in agony. Meanwhile, Agent Black finds himself pinned into position as well. Unlike Henry though he is able to breath just fine. Although there are about 50 rules being broken this very moment Agent Black can't help but stare at Johanna in amazement. There are times like this when she becomes so focused on killing that her powers shine. She seems unstoppable...but unfortunately for her it never lasts long because like any 'normal' person she becomes overwhelmed by emotions. Johanna's black painted fingernails wrap tightly around Henry's neck. Her telekinetic hold loosens slightly as she decides to take physically hold of him. "Are you a loving husband?...A caring father." Her grip tightens a little more but before she could part her lips again she feels something prick her in the neck. "No..." She manages to mumble before her vision blurs and she collapses to the ground unconscious.