[center][url=http://imgur.com/C8R5iMo][img]http://i.imgur.com/C8R5iMo.png[/img][/url] [url=http://imgur.com/uMmDOX2][img]http://i.imgur.com/uMmDOX2.gif[/img][/url] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Olympus Academy(walking to the Café) [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Raymond Severus Jones [@Obscurus], Marliee E. Laikos [@LovelyAnastasia], and Peter(not directly interacting with, but would be able to hear everything Harvey was saying) [@MiddleEarthRoze] [/center][hr][hr] God how he hated being called Nate. He hated how nerdy it made him sound. It got so riled up and wanting to beat the living shit out of anyone who called that. And that Aphrodite Black Sheep Bastard, Raymond, knew exactly how much he hated being called it. He knew it and still did it. God, if Harvey weren't among the Son of Athena, he would beat the living shit out of this good-for-nothing, excuse-for-a-demigod, Raymond Jones.[color=009cdf][i] Oh just you wait, fucker. Once people are gone, it's going to be you and me. Once these people are gone, you're getting to know real pain, you cocky, little shit.[/i][/color] And that's when Ray brought Harvey his coffee. "Took you long enough." Harvey commented, starting to drink it. The coffee had been as he had asked. Harvey was shocked. Halfway along his coffee, Harvey noticed someone coming barging in. It was some gothic chick. Harvey had to admit it that she was actually really hot. It reminded him of a slightly-less gothic version of Amy Lee. Harvey stood up and walked to the counter. He was leaning against it in a way that his elbow was on the counter itself, and his body tilted somewhat so that his leg could cross the other. He was right next to the woman yelling at Ray and Harvey was looking at the son of Aphrodite. [color=009cdf][b]"Oh, poor Ray-Ray. Having lady problems?"[/b][/color] He asked smugly. Harvey heard what Ray said to the woman and though he was laughing a bit on the inside, he did not portray that on the surface. He wanted to make Ray seem even worse in front of everyone.[color=009cdf][b] "Damn girl, did you hear that? He drugged you and not even apologizing for it."[/b][/color] He faked being shocked, [color=009cdf][b]"how can an employee of this fine establishment actually say that they have the right to drug anyone if they feel like they need it? You should totally sue him. Or better yet, go ask his dear-ol momma, Aphrodite how he is,"[/b][/color] Harvey kept his eyes on Ray. [color=009cdf][b]"Go on Ray-Ray, tell her all about how you have serious mommy issues. I mean, god, your dear mommy, Aphrodite, abandoned you and your father when you were so young, right? I mean how could she not. You being the sack of shit you are and her being the cunt of all the goddesses — even more than my own — it's no wonder she wanted nothing to do with you." [/b][/color]Harvey wouldn't let up and he was smiling the entire time, [color=009cdf][b]"so, I guess it's not a surprise that you are such a pathetic excuse for demigod space."[/b][/color]