Birth Name: Lilian Catherine McClellen Other Names: Lily, “Professor Lil” is preferred. Gender: Female Age: 31 Rank/Titles/Social Class: Professor of “Human Advancement” as she puts it. She has no official documents showing her right to be called a professor, however her family's wealth has allowed her to get away with calling herself such. Her family is among the wealthiest in Europe thanks to her fathers shrewd business tactics and her mothers amazing ability to end up in the wills of old and dying nobles. Her peculiar nature makes her unliked, but the desire's of others to entrench themselves in a position of good standing with her family means she is tolerated and often included in many social and political events. Appearance: [hider=My Hider] Physical: Her face is round slightly stretched. While she did not inherit her mothers good looks, there are many who would be willing to call her attractive, if not for her eyes and the heavy bags under them. Though she is only in her early thirties her eyes appear old and tired, and her irises -which should have been a powerful blue- are so gray that at a distance she appears to have no colour in her eyes at all. Her hair is bright orange -an inheritance from her Irish routes. Her hair is shorter than most woman's of the time and held up in a loose bun at the back of her head with a white lacy ribbon. A few strands never seem to make it into the bun and so she always has a few stray strands to frame her face. Her skin is much darker than someone of her standing would normally have do to much time spent outdoors. Her body is lean and slightly muscular from carrying much weight around her all day and her breasts are slightly smaller than average. Dress: She wears what ever is popular at the current time as her mother always buys new clothes and has the old ones thrown out. If she has any say in the matter her dresses are always white to “collect stain samples.” It is because of this fact her mother always buys her black dresses so you will rarely see her in anything else. Lilian also prefers her clothes to be lacy -one of the few aesthetic features of herself she takes an interest in- though she tends to rip off lace that impedes her, so her dresses sometimes appear slightly tattered if her mother hasn't had them repaired yet. She also never includes the petticoats that come with the dresses despite her mothers insistence. Accessories: She wears no jewelry of any kind beyond a pair of gold frame spectacles that clip to the tip of her nose and four pocket watches she wares like necklaces. Around her waist is a think leather belt with several ornate buckles. Attached to the belt is numerous leather straps, two of which are used to create suspenders to support weight. The rest of the straps as well as the belt itself, hold a variety of pouches. All told, she has twenty-five pouches of various sizes on her person at all times that hold a variety of scientific instruments and devices. The plethora of objects she carries with her often bang into each other, giving off a feint metallic clanging where ever she walks, a fact many people are grateful of as it singles her approach and gives them time to hide. All of the straps and pouches have been dyed black, a contribution from her mother to make the odd accessories blend in with Lilian's attire. If not for her dresses clearly being expensive and her face being very well known, her sometimes disheveled look and tan skin would give her the appearance of a commoner. [/hider] Personality: [hider=My Hider] Inquisitive and excited is what she would call herself. Queer and Moronic is what others call her behind her back. While she readily gets along with just about anyone, others find it hard to get along with her as even if you get past her appearance one can never escape hearing about her experiments. While someone who is more socially competent would pick topics that are easy to understand and relate to concepts that the easily offended upper-class could stomach, Lily frequently talks about material that could only be understood by a her and seems to not grasp that talking about collecting the gas emitted by a decaying squab is not something one talks about at a dinner party. To Lilian the world is a fascinating place and the advancement of technology and human kind is extremely exciting to her and something she wishes to be part of. It's Rare to see her in a bad mood, though its hard to tell when she is as her “Thinking” face makes her appear quite cross and she wears it often. [/hider] Psychic Talent: Astral Projection: Lilian is able to leave her body behind and become pure thought. She is completely invisible, however those who are sensitive to the psychic potentials of others could easily point her out, though they wouldn't know what they were pointing at. While there is no apparent limit to how long she can project her mind for, she does have a limit to how far her mind can get from her body. Currently she is able to project herself up to four-hundred feet from her body. She is always quiet famished after doing this for any length of time and has learned to bring a snack with her. She is able to interact physically with the world around her however anything heavier than an average size book is too much for her. If she's within fifty-feet she can manage something twice that weight, though getting so close often gets her in trouble. She often uses this ability to get into places she isn't allowed to satiate her curiosity. She frequently uses her ability to read the books in the library of the local university, as well as the private collections of many prominent doctors, professors, and scientists that live in the city. Skills: Chemistry. Engineering. Research. Investigation. Mathematician. Alchemy Desiring to contribute to science and the evolution of humanity Lilian focused her attention on a set of skills she felt would bring her closest to this goal. She knew she couldn't just be able to manipulate information, she would have to find it an apply it as well. Weapons/Fighting: Lilian is very skilled with a weapon of her own design she calls “The Pin Gun.” So named because instead of a firing a bullet, her gun fires close to 50 sewing needles with a single shot that spread out slightly. She uses this gun to kill specimens to examine without destroying the body. Something a normal gun is prone to do. The gun itself uses air pressure to fire the needless rather than black powder and is only good for a single shot. Because of this she always has four ready to fire pistols in one of her pouches. It used to be just three, but she once had to contend with a very angry deer that needed more than three shots. Though she could theoretically be rather accurate with any pistol, the fact that she is used to a gun that does not use black powder means a normal gun would fly out of her hand when fired and her shot will miss. History: [hider=My Hider] Lilian was born in Ireland and grew up on a farm till she was six. At that point she hadn't discovered her love of science but that didn't stop her from being extremely curious and seek answers to many of life's biggest questions. Or at least the sort of questions someone of her age thinks are life's biggest questions. Why isn't the milk green when the only thing the goats eat is grass? Why is it the moon changes shape but the sun doesn't? Why is fire hot? Why do the berries that grow on the edge of the farm look so tasty but make people throw up a lot? The real burning questions. Not long after she turned six her father came into some money thanks to a relative passing on and having no other family members to leave their wealth too. It wasn't a fortune, but it was enough money for her father to buy up a few surrounding farms and hire people to work on them as well as buy a nice house in the near by town. Not longer after that her mother found herself in the will of the dying mayor and they came into more money. Her father used this to buy all the farms around the town. By the time Lilian was nine her family had become rich enough that they decided to move to a place more befitting their status, and so they moved to a large mansion in the heart of Dublin. It was at this point that Lilian's ability to project her mind out of her body manifested. She was unclear why it waited so long, however she theorized that if she had such abilities then others would too and moving to such a large city with so many people would mean there would be more people like her than in the small town she came from. If her presumption was true than perhaps begin around more peoples with abilities like her's was the catalyst for the manifestation of her power. The first time her mind left her body she did not return to it for nine days. The local Doctor's were stumped, and on the eighth day were recommending to smother her to put her out of some supposed misery she was in. Fear of death gave her the push she needed to force her way back into her body. This happened a many more times as she aged, always for shorter and short lengths of time. Eventually she mastered the ability to leave and reenter her body as she pleased. The trick, she found, was desire. A strong desire to leave her body and a strong desire to return to it. At this point she was Seventeen, now had four younger brothers, and had moved to a much larger house. When she was eighteen she over heard a professor talking to someone at a dinner party about how electricity was going to change the world and all the amazing things it would bring about. The professor's words enchanted Lilian. She wanted to see that world, she wanted to be part of it, and she wanted to be part of making it happen. From that point on she began to learn, using her ability to get herself into places she was not allowed to go. Either because of her gender or her parents orders. When was was twenty-one she decided she had learned enough from books and wanted to see what she could learn on her own. With this she began to explore the city to see what it had to offer her. It was during this time in her life that her odd appearance began to manifest. The more she found, the more questions she had, which meant she needed the proper equipment to find answers, which in turn lead to her carrying more and more equipment with her. She rarely slept more than a few hours a day, spending most of her time experimenting. When she was twenty-sixth people were used to her oddness, and she was used to taking advantage of her families standing to get away with things a normal person couldn't. The ultimate test of this came about on her twenty-seventh when she declared she was to be addressed as Professor Lily from that point on. No one argued with her and called her as such, with exception to her parents who would always call her Lily. By the time she was thirty-one her brothers had been given factories to run despite their young age, her family was even wealthier and had moved to a large mansion on the northern edge of Prague, and she had become even more lost in her world of discovery. Her desire to learn and to notice details most would over look lead her to to discover things people would want kept secret. Not far from her own home sat a manor even more impressive than her family's. This grand building was buried deep within the forest, out of sight of anyone who didn't have the mind to look for it. Inquires around town lead to dead ends as most people didn't seem to know the house existed and anyone who wasn't surprised about the manor's existence had no information to offer. Of course they all could have been lying; Lilian was not very adept at picking up on social ques or mannerisms so it was rather easy to lie to her. Realizing her questioning was leading her nowhere she began to explore the grounds with her projection. She spent a couple days wandering around the outside, taking in the gardens and such. Eventually she moved closer to the building itself and began peeking through windows. She discovered that people did in fact occupy the rooms within , however she was disappointed to see they all looked annoyingly ordinary. She was hoping to find a manor filled with vampires, or werewolves, or a mad scientist at work. Despite her disappointment her curiosity still burned and she continued her investigation of the building. Sometimes people would enter or leave but they were few and far between and no one she recognized. There was one individual who would frequently exit the manor, however he would merely walk through the gardens for a little while before returning inside. On the fourth day of the second week of her investigation she began to notice the front door was being left open. On the third day of her finding the door ajar she decided to venture in, feeling rather safe to do so in her projected form. She was once again met with disappointment. The rooms were all ordinary, the serving staff were ordinary, and now that she could hear the conversations being held they too were rather ordinary. She continued to return to the house simply to explore every inch of it and be completely sure it held no secrets. With this in mind she began to map the inside and outside of the manor. As she did this she discovered spots where the inside architecture did not match up with that of the outside, meaning there were a few secret rooms that needed to be searched. More interestingly however was that the occupants, or at least some of them, where acknowledging her presence. At first she ignored it as she took it for granted she could not be seen. But as someone who is used to being ignored even when people can see her she became increasingly more aware that subtle smiles and tips of hats were directed at her. One day, the gentleman she was used to seeing explore the grounds, held a door open for her. He didn't talk to her, didn't look at her, didn't even look up from the book he was reading. She had been waiting for someone to open a door so she could exit a room without raising suspicions and after a short time he stood from his chair and opened it, only closing it once she had stepped out. After that Lilian decided to take a risk and returned to the manor the next day in person. As always the door was open and she simply walked into the building. Everything was still the same, it was as if her being visible changed nothing. The home had rekindled her interest in it a hundred fold. She finished mapping the house and began to search the secret rooms. Most were the normal sort of thing one might find in the home of someone who is both paranoid and wealthy. There was however, a few of these rooms she could not get into through normal means. No secret switch or hidden lock, no way to reveal these areas in any form -at least none she could find. Her curiosity getting the better of her she sat down in the library and acted as if she had fallen asleep. In reality she had projected her mind out and made her way to the closest of the secret areas she could not find away into. Making use of her projected forms more pliable nature she squeezed through an extremely narrow opening behind a bookcase and was delighted to find not a room but a set of stairs leading down. Moving fast she rushed down the stairs into what she assumed to be the basement. What she found was a vast network of rooms and more people then she had ever seen in the upper sections of the manor. More amazing was that many of them seemed to be performing experiments or doing research. She was ecstatic; there was a whole building of scientists progressing human advancement right beneath her nose. She was so excited she had completely forgotten that some of the residents of this manor had already proven to be somehow aware of her projected form. So much so that when a young lady stopped in front of her and offered her a heartfelt congratulations on finally making her way down, Lilian recoiled in surprise and knocked over a table of equipment. She immediately allowed her mind to return to her body and discovered her body had been moved from the library to a small lounge. She was sitting in a rather comfortable chair in front of a table. On the table sat two glasses with wine and two plates, each with a pear on them. Across from her sat the gentleman she had seen in the garden and who had held the door for her. “Good Afternoon Miss. McClellen. I think you and I should talk.” After a long conversation with the gentleman followed up by a sincere apology to those whose work Lilian ruined when she knocked over the table, she was welcomed into the Society. [/hider] Random: Lilian absolutely adores pears. So much so that she usually has at least one for every meal. She'll eat it with a fork and knife, savoring every bit of it. Her mother used this fact to her advantage and had perfume made that smells exactly like pears which she gave to Lilian to wear. It was the only way to get her to wear some kind of perfume. Because of this she smells strongly of pears at all times. She hates anything that does not have a proper explanation as it means there is nothing for her to learn. Because of this she often gets into debates with religious types, fortune tellers, and other such people she considers to be “fraudulent leeches on society.” She is deathly afraid of staying put for too long. A disorder caused from her early experiences with her ability to leave her body. At that early stage she could not move far from her body and was often forced to watch doctors stick her with all kinds of needles and listen to them suggest "Putting her to rest" to her parents numerous times. She fears staying in any place for too long will lead to someone trying to kill her.