Ethan didn't want anyone worrying over his wound, even if he was positive by now he had some minute poisoning. There wasn't enough in his system to really cause pain, just some slight nausea and a bit of a fever from what he could tell. Uncomfortable yes but not life threatening, he'd just need to rest for a little and he'd be right as rain. What about Cecil though? The Machina appeared spent after the fight and given last time he'd all but shutdown there was some reason for worry among their group. "Hey, we wanted it dead too, pretty sure that feeling was mutual. Just because you want to defend yourself or your friends, and even if that involves killing something, it doesn't make you bad," Ethan reassured, pausing to wipe sweat from his brow, "I don't know, I have no clue how you work, sorry Cecil. But I'd bet you can get stronger, I mean think about it. You learn how to control your magic, energy, whatever it is better so you don't use as much power. It's... Kind of hard to explain, but when Magi use spells we can tire ourselves out easily, unless we know how to keep our levels down. Use too much mana and you're in trouble, maybe you're sort of the same way?" That was only a guess going off of the bits and pieces the old man had told him ages ago, and he wasn't completely sure he even recited it right. Sounded right to him. Ethan and Cecil might not bring it up but Nymira wasn't going to let it go. Amuné had somehow known about those monsters before they even began fighting, before Ethan was ever attacked or the liquid hit his skin. Any self-respecting fighter kept themselves aware of everything during a battle, even the small details like a child screaming. So she'd picked up on something unusual awfully quickly and now, confronting Amuné with it, the little girl was reluctant to admit anything. "Little one, I do not appreciate being lied to... Just tell me what it is, I'll not treat you any differently for it." Letting the child say her piece confirmed the Dimuran's sneaking suspicions, that she somehow had foreseen what was about to happen. While a rare form of magic she was somewhat familiar with it, knowing of an elder in a neighboring clan who many called a Seer. She had sought the man out for advice once before though had come up empty, being told it wasn't proper use of his powers to give someone an edge in battle. The downside to being an honorable society she supposed, sometimes they were too honorable even for themselves. "I don't know, but we'll find out when we find whoever made you, on that you have my word," Ethan answered, smiling as he watched Cecil lay back to rest, "Go right ahead, rest up and we'll move you when its time to get going. I think we all need a bit of a break after that." They should be far enough from the fight as not to be at risk any longer, and with no water around he assumed neither of those Magi could fight them anyways. He could be wrong but he hoped not to be proven as such, it would be nice to sit down and take it easy after that mess. Nursing his throbbing hand as he got to his feet Ethan joined Nymira and Amuné not too far away, giving the latter a perplexed look seeing her upset. "What is it Amuné? You still worrying about my hand?" he asked, taking a seat before her and holding it up, "It's sore but I'll live, so rest easy okay? Nothing to be afraid of." "That's not it you buffoon, she's afraid of what she just told me," Nymira interjected, frowning before rolling her eyes at Ethan. "The child is what my people call a seer, someone who can catch a glimpse of the future, or learn something of someone's past. I don't know the extent of her powers but she saw something during our last fight. She's afraid we'll think poorly of her for her gift, though I for one think its a wonderful thing to have." The last thing she wished for was the child to be upset, she had a soft spot generally when it came to children. Anyone with eyes could tell that Amuné valued and wanted Ethan's approval, and to lesser extents Cecil's and her own. Being cast aside for something then might be worst case scenario for her, and they had to reassure her otherwise. "We won't hate you for it Amuné, and I know Ethan and Cecil don't either," Nymira added as she looked to the Muran, narrowing her eyes accusingly at him, "Isn't that right Ethan?" Jeez that was a scary look! Cringing from the glare he was getting Ethan smiled and quickly nodded his head, looking to Amuné and giving her a thumbs up. "Yeah, I don't think of you any less for it! Heck, I think it's really awesome actually, that could help us a ton!" Shame he hadn't listened earlier, might have spared him getting this nasty burn on his skin. Now they knew for the future, and Saints forbid if they fought either of those two men again they would be prepared for it next time. Seriously, why were those two after them though? The old guy had attacked them before so it didn't have to do with Nymira, and he doubted the fish man was after her either, so it was one of them. Just what the heck was going on?