[center][h2]The United Socialist Vaegir Imperium[/h2][h3](USVI)[/h3] [b]Species Name[/b] [i]Vaegir[/i] [b]Species Description[/b] Compared to the normal human, the Vaegir are slightly larger and have more muscle mass on them. In addition they have geometric "lines" on their bodies that slightly glow and are more adapted to colder climates but are not discouraged from warmer climates (although they absolutely despise deserts for the most part). Perhaps the most interesting feature is their cat like ears which is more evident on females but can be spotted on males as well. - [b]Nation Size[/b] The USVI is spread out across roughly five different systems totaling up to around 61 billion citizens at the last census. [b]Nation Description[/b] The USVI is an interesting bunch as they have just come out of a communist dictatorship into a what can be seen as a blossoming monarchy. Once known as the People's Republic of Socialist Vaegir Systems (PRSVS), or simply the PRV. After a short civil war, social reorganize and maybe a purge or two, the Holy Vaegir Empire arose from the ashes of the PRV. However, due to the lingering effects of generations of communist propaganda and pro-communist thinkers, the HVE fell into a state of chaos only solved when the heir to the throne assassinated his father and implemented a mix of socialism into the HVE, turning it into the USVI. Since then, the Imperium has enjoyed an era of peace and has been building up its military only to set it on the new Anuria campaign in an effort to continue their advancement. Its military is large and its armor and ships intimidating, but soldier for soldier, they're actually weaker than other nation's troops. Most They just have more troops to compensate, assisted by the fact women serve in the military as well. [b]Nation Involvement[/b] The Vaegir's reason for being on Anuria is short and simple. They want the natural material of the planet to further their cause (as they have some pretty big fucking things) and use it as another way station/outpost. - [b]Technology[/b] [i]Give us an overview of the kind of technology available to your nation. How advanced are they?[/i] [b]Naval Warships[/b] [hider=Kharkov-Class Frigate] [img]https://cdn0.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/856/096/large/hans-palm-ranger1.jpg?1434644427[/img] [/hider][hider=Raska-Class Support Cruiser][img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dreadnought.gamepedia.com/thumb/8/83/Tactical_cruiser_type_2.png/400px-Tactical_cruiser_type_2.png?version=620dd611ff48ac7aa14cb55c1d00132c[/img] [/hider][hider=Auroa-Class Cruiser] [img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dreadnought.gamepedia.com/3/3a/Destroyer.png?version=973e86e445e701547432e9aab9711352[/img] [/hider][hider=Novogord-Class Battleship] [img]http://media.bestofmicro.com/9/7/523915/gallery/Dreadnought-Customization-Default_w_755.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Tver-Class Super Battleship] [img]https://cdn0.artstation.com/p/assets/covers/images/000/827/216/large/hans-palm-flagship1.jpg?1443932024[/img][/hider][hider=Keiv-Class Armored Carrier] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/6fxrlu.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Fighters[/b] [hider=MiQ-2 Attack VTOL] [URL=http://s394.photobucket.com/user/Clocktower_Echos/media/SparrowHawk_zpsg6jiibzs.jpg.html][IMG]http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp24/Clocktower_Echos/SparrowHawk_zpsg6jiibzs.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Speedy one-man quick reaction VTOLs meant for local air support, patrolling and covering fire, theses aircraft work wonders against ground troops but unlike the rest of the USVI'd fighters, do not work in space and can only operate in atmosphere. While most are armed with a variety of automatic cannons, newer models have railguns instead. [/hider][hider=MB4 Ground Striker] [img]http://thegg.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/dreadnought.jpg[/img] The Imperium's bomber craft, these things are slow and bulky but in turn are pretty tanky and can hold a lot of bang. Armed with an arsenal of missile, rockets, bombs and front-mounted rotary cannons, these can level areas with devastating efficiency even against other naval ships. [/hider][hider=U-42i Dropship] [img]http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/05/22__02_33_50/DR_01.jpg6e393edf-9a0f-47d3-9033-ff31c1ddf780Original.jpg[/img] Actually a modified version of a MB4 prototype, the U-42i is an orbital troop transport capable of carrying an entire platoon and supplies and can also load up whatever "light" vehicles the Imperium has to offer. Its slow and tanky but its well protected and can provide local fire support for disembarking troops with his front guns. [/hider][hider=IL-Z8 Fighter] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120419214630/occiduussol/de/images/0/0a/Imperialer_J%C3%A4ger_Fighter_Ship_2d_sci_fi_vehicle_spaceships_fighter_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] Mainline fighter craft for the USVI, being speedy, nimble and frail. Armed with repeating cannons and sometimes rockets, these are the primary crafts used in space battles. Being destroyed in droves is counteracted by the ease of production and simplicity of operating it. [/hider] [b]Ground Force Description[/b] [hider=Penal Conscripts] [img]http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p685/Aurlon/394a6468-966a-466b-badf-a13ba69b633e_zps34f4f6c7.jpg[/img] A hold over from the days of the PRV, they are the criminal scum, rebels and "free thinkers" considered dangerous to the state. The Vaegirs never had any true court of law, dividing up crimes between two tiers; the first tier was for things considered small or inconsequential which punishment was "light". Tier two was for the people considered a danger to the monarchy or the state as a whole and punished with death. However, given the new state of war on Anuria, they have been repurposed as conscripts for the army. As one might expect from a Penal Battalion, they are given very little training (mostly in the form of running) and poor equipment. Few are ever equipped with more than blades and pistols with no armor to speak of. The lucky ones might scrounge up a battered old rifle but they are shot on sight it they attempt to either procure better weapons or attempt to desert. To say their life even when not in combat is harsh is an understatement, but their angry translates well in the art of war when they get in close to enemies. If they ever do. [/hider][hider=Royal Guardsmen] [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1117175976532036118/F58A5A7F5A7EDBF0C8C56EC3172ACA2ADC507EC9/[/img] Standard infantry of the USVI, they were the first military unit to receive upgrades after the Enlightenment. These men and women were once the worse equipped and trained people to be called soldiers, literally lacking enough guns to all be armed. One could even say that they used to be worse than then the Penal Conscripts! After the Enlightenment however, they are now a disciplined fighting force, capable of standing their ground and fighting back. They are the brave backbone of the USVI army and provide a solid firing line against the enemies of the Imperium. [/hider][hider=Sentinels] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/35lex5k.jpg[/IMG] Guardsmen clad in heavy armor with a heavy tri-barreled auto cannon, they aren't very mobile but they are more than capible of holding points and act like living sentry turrets. Their armor has a "lock down" ability which grounds them on one place but lets them fire with less worry of recoil. Many also use a DIBS shield in their free hand to protect themselves. Comically enough, some troops are more willing to advance along side Sentinels than armored vehicles. [/hider][hider=Airborne Rangers] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/8/81/Elysian_Drop_Troops_grav-chute.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130208202145[/img] Specialized Marines with a penchant for adrenaline rushes and being jackasses. These soldiers are more specialized and trained to be a quick reaction force to any situation that might suddenly develop. Due to jetpacks and jump jets, they are a highly mobile unit which also serves the various roles of which light infantry did in the generations past. They are very rarely ever deployed by land, and almost always go in via sky or space. They also serve as the Imperium's primary ship-to-ship combat infantry for boarding and counter-boarding. [/hider][hider=Red Guards] [img]https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/qFaO5EZ.png[/img] Another hold over from the days of the PRV the Red Guards are an elite unit of shock troopers a cut above everything else. They serve as an models for the "ideal soldier", loyal, unwavering and deadly. They're actually something akin to their own military branch due to a special charter signed by the King with their own air force and specialized armor. However, they are few in numbers as they have strict entry requirements and harsh lifestyles. It doesn't help that most of them still hold some lingering longing for the PRV but they remain loyal to the new monarchy even as their numbers continue to dwindle. They mostly use older models of weapons out of tradition since they know exactly how those weapons function. [/hider] [b]Armored Units[/b] [hider=Ti-65 Cossack Armored Car] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/companyofheroes/images/c/c5/Sdkfz_2341_armored_car.png/revision/latest?cb=20100805130452&path-prefix=en[/img] The smallest of Imperial armor, its has a comparably tiny crew of three. Armed with a 56mm main gun and a coaxial machine gun, its purpose is to provide advancing forces with precious armor support which most other Imperial armor cannot provide in such a quick notice. Can also be fitted with dual auto cannons for AA or to seriously fuck up someone's day. [/hider][hider=Ta-12 Strelot SPG] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/d/d9/Legion_basilisk.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140414134630[/img] A massive 130mm gun on a rugged chassis meant for direct fire support. With a skilled crew, a small battery of these can rain hell from range with ease. Of course, its otherwise very vulnerable and only has a forward facing MG to protect it and its crew. [/hider][hider=Ti-90 Armored Transport] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e4/51/82/e45182d9df53e5617c2963f77e0c65be.jpg[/img] The only dedicated transport of the Imperium's military armor divisions, it can hold a squad of troops or hold a great deal of supplies and tow stuff. Its armed with a top mounted rotary cannon and a flamethrower affectionately called the "crotch flamer" or "flaming balls of justice" depending on the person driving. [/hider][hider=GT RKT-M8] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/a/a5/Stormlord.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110402112927[/img] In case there wasn't enough "fuck" in "fuck you". The GT RKT-M8 is perhaps the pinnacle of what the Imperium thinks armor should be; big fucking things with enough guns to level a small city. This monstrosity of tank is about 3 stories high and can put out enough bullets and ordinance to replace the air in a local area with bullets. Needless to say, even if these beasts are slow, its best you do not get anywhere close to the wrong end of it. [/hider][hider=GT RKT-M8 Mk.II] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iiUS7I4Xyp8/Uq1YVz3pLfI/AAAAAAAAAfg/jr9O7lsOHOQ/s1600/Banehammer001.jpg[/img] In case there wasn't enough "fuck you" in "fuck all your shit", the GT RKT-M8 is the next not-so-logical step for the Imperium as it now boasts a massive 500mm main cannon instead of two massive miniguns. Still the almost-moving base, its still a bad thing to get on the wrong side of this thing. The Imperium is unsure of what its engineers were smoking at the time of creating both the GT RKT-M8 and the Mk.II version of it. [/hider] [b]Common Armaments[/b] [hider=AKM-404c Assault Carbine] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/2/2b/MaverickAR_Render_CoDG.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20140121235835[/img] The old 30-round assault rifle of the PRV, still in use due to its numbers and ease of production. Mainly used by the Red Guards, some of the newer recruits will use these until they are considered experienced enough to use the newer AKV. It has a very strong round which hits very hard against infantry but lacks a recoil compensation method strong enough to counteract it which means that its users aren't too accurate, barring the elite Red Guards who are used to it of course.[/hider][hider=AKV-23r Assault Rifle] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/wolfenstein/images/7/7f/AR-60.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140628182010[/img] The new main infantry weapon of the Imperium meant to replace the old AKM models. It has a slightly smaller clip coming in at 20 rounds but has a much more comfortable grip and stock with better recoil compensation making it a more accurate weapon. Unlike the AKM however, it lacks any rail mounts meaning that in general most of these weapons will be in "virgin" form meaning they lack scopes and grenade launchers as they are both harder to obtain due to cost and attach. [/hider][hider=S-21n Railgun] [img]http://starwarsrpg.pettycomp.net/Images/BlasterRifle023.jpg[/img] The new DMR/sniper in use by the Imperium, uses [s]magic[/s] magnets to propel a ferric-tungsten shell over long distances. On paper its meant to take out small groups of units or individuals but in the field soldiers find it much more useful against structures and light armor, using them like mobile light artillery. [/hider][hider=Khorlorne Rifle] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2f0dgmu.png[/IMG] An ancient weapon that was already a good 100 years old when the PRV used it, the Khorlorne rifle takes its name from the giant beasts it was meant to kill. For a time it was used as an anti-tank rifle until it fell out of favor due to more modern weapons. However, it was reintroduced as its superior accuracy and large round meant that it was a more than capable sniper in the hands of a Red Guard. [/hider][hider=TT-08 Handgun] [img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/planetside2.gamepedia.com/thumb/2/2b/MagShot.png/299px-MagShot.png?version=12f1de91a47bcef6136f9bddf99ac175[/img] Standard issue handgun of the Imperium. Although being called the evolution of the TT-05 handgun, its more of a mass produced prototype in practice, relying on relatively new gyro-jet bullets. So far reports have given it a mixed bag of results. [/hider][hider=PRX Dentiali LMG] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NH_sxUoYVIo/T5MqqEeJSjI/AAAAAAAAE9M/g4pRwlXu_R4/s1600/ak47+ak+47+50+caliber+heavy+machine+gun+sci+fi+weapon+blaster+cannon+futuristic+laser+range+targeting+computer+modern+warfare+battlefield+ghost+recon.jpg[/img] The Imperium's portable automatic weapon, its high rate of fire lays down an impressive about of bullets even thought they are the same caliber as the assault rifles. Can be put on a light alloy mount for defensive purposes which ironically weighs less than the gun itself. Ideally has a two man crew. [/hider][hider=RPGL-5 Brear Rocket Launcher] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/killzone/images/e/ee/Vc920rocket20launcher.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/640?cb=20091202214301[/img] The true antitank weapon of the Imperium, the Brear is a free-fire rocket launcher with no built in homing abilities. However, it can use many different types of rockets ranging from AP, shaped warhead, shredder, napalm, etc. Through the use of heat seeking missiles however, it can lock on to targets to some degree. [/hider][hider=Grenades] [hider=Mk.IV Omni-Purpose Grenade] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/52d04503e4b03e8b46ffc511/52fb92a1e4b00a6523ef772f/52fb92a4e4b052e52dab37cd/1392218788970/elysium-concept-7_o_905.jpg?format=500w[/img] Standard grenade that combines HE and frag, able to send deadly shrapnel in a wide "cloud". Often tied together for use of an impromptu AT grenade or fired from mortars. Most soldiers will take two with them, some of the luckier ones able to procure more on occasion. Also can be used for fishing depending on who you ask. [/hider][hider=Mk.II Crippler Device] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120106132243/callofduty/images/5/5d/ELITE_Concussion_Grenade_BO.png[/img] Stock standard issue tactical grenade that combines a disorienting flashbang/concussion grenade with a small EMP unit. While not enough to take out vehicle electronics, at least without a lot of them, they are more than able of causing a great deal of pain and confusion to infantry. [/hider][hider=Signal Flare] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/e/ea/Emergency_flare_ep1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100317113220&path-prefix=en[/img] At least one carried by each soldier, signal flares are all purpose smoke and light produces used to signal others or light up an area. However, due to the chemicals used to make it, its recommended that people try not to stay too close to it. [/hider][/hider][hider=Tools] [hider=Warblade] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/4/4b/Ballistic_Knife_Create-a-Class_BOII.png/revision/latest?cb=20121214021125[/img] Standard issue army knife that comes with a sharpener and is balanced to be used as a throwing knife. Soldiers will often customize and decorate their knives as a sign of individuality. Some say that identifying a soldier by their knife is a more reliable way of IDing them than their dog tags. [/hider][hider=Entrenching Tool] [img]http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/UT8Ok1FXataXXagOFbXb/120539574/UT8Ok1FXataXXagOFbXb.jpg[/img] A foldable pickaxe-shovel hybrid, nothing too special. Makes for a good bludgeoning device in a pinch with some sharpening the blade insisting it makes a better melee weapon than the knife. [/hider][hider=Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer] [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41uZ1uCccfL.jpg[/img] A handbook given to all military personnel detailing protocols, basic wound treatment, survival tips, maintenance guides and uplifting bits of patriotic literature as well as a few pages for notes and blank requisition forms. Or spare toilet paper depending on who you ask. [/hider][hider=Medical Supplies] [img]http://evaq8.co.uk/images/D/image%20(47)-01.jpg[/img][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/metro2033/images/6/68/Medkit_isometric_M2033.png/revision/latest?cb=20120716065606[/img] Consisting of bandages and medical syringes filled with pain killers and sedatives, these are the basic medical supplies given to each soldier to hold over injury and pain until proper medical attention can be given. [/hider][/hider] [b]Emplacements and Deployables[/b] [hider=MxR Area Denial System] [img]http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/05/17__19_55_45/turret_02.jpgc12ba5dc-ad65-45a6-9a66-9c973b260a42Original.jpg[/img] Dual heavy autocannons fit for going against light armor and infantry although they can hit aircraft with enough luck. Remote controlled or manually operated, these turrets are effective at keeping enemies at bay. [/hider][hider=Deployable Infantry Barricade Solution] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/dirtybomb/images/0/05/Turtle's_Deployable_Shield.png/revision/latest?cb=20151013004517[/img] Known as the DIBS, these light weight alloy barricades start out as shields which some soldiers wear on their back before being planted into the ground for portable cover. [/hider][hider=66mm Heavy Mortar] [img]https://manticblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Plague_mortar_wip.jpg[/img] A large stationary mortar most often used in base defense and such as its size and cumbersome nature do not allow it to be effective at being mobile. [/hider][hider=M3019 Stahl Hammer Heavy Field Howitzer] [img]http://cs.finescale.com/sitefiles/images/galleryimport/afv_club_m59_long_tom.jpg[/img] [URL=http://s93.photobucket.com/user/Stapler88/media/Imperial%20Guards/Earthshaker%20Platform/06EarthshakerPlatform.jpg.html][IMG]http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l75/Stapler88/Imperial%20Guards/Earthshaker%20Platform/06EarthshakerPlatform.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Basically the massive cannon of the Ta-12 Sterlot SPG in "normal" artillery form, just a bit bigger. Fires slower but has a much longer range and explosions, also mounted on platforms for defense. [/hider][hider=Hiver-9 Mobile Rocket Artillery] [URL=http://s137.photobucket.com/user/chaos0xomega/media/Capture-7.jpg.html][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q227/chaos0xomega/Capture-7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Missile artillery for all the needs of swarming an area with missiles you may ever need! Can use a wide variety of missiles and makes for good AA when using heat seeking rockets pointed upwards. [/hider][hider=DSRP-42 HMG] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/df/a5/3e/dfa53e3fcff63b756bb677e07a662b7a.jpg[/img] The Imperium's go to heavy machine gun for defense. High rate of fire and a large caliber round makes its a good choice for anything machine gun related minus mobility. Its also commonly mounted on vehicles for that reason. [/hider][hider=MxG Automatic Grenade Launcher] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/7/7b/Catachan_hvy_wpns_sqd.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130109102000[/img] Treated as more of an automatic mini-mortar, the MxG is a new model light artillery emplacement used to support advancing troops. Most variations require a crew to operate but some more innovative or creative units have attempted AI or remote controlled versions with varying amounts of success. [/hider] [b]Headquarters[/b] Ground-based modular base with a small bunker system. Walled off and well protected with turrets, patrols and cameras, its a fortress that can be expanded upon by adding additional modules from home via transports. A well developed fortress by all standards. The Kiev-Class armored carrier, [i]Imperator Kirov[/i] can be seen as the "secondary" base that's in orbit around Anuria which generally provides air support and orbital artillery to ground forces. [b]Persons of Importance[/b] Imperator Kirov Doroshov - The young, ever so brash king of the USVI who took power after killing his father and reforming the government. He's a good man who wants the best for his people. Of course his ways of showing it are... [i]roundabout[/i] to say the least. Grand Marshall Borosovsky - An aged man who wields the military might of the Imperium as its high command. He's taken something to a surrogate father to Imperator Kirov. Currently not on Anuria as he's left his other commanders in charge of the Anuria Campaign. He's a man known for his extremely cold-blooded and pragmatic attitude, most likely due to the PRV influences as he was alive during its last days. High Minster Krestia Murmunsk - Wife of Imperator Kirov and minister of all other ministries of the Imperium, she's revered as a symbol of strength and dedication everyone and was the one who first proposed the Anuria Campaign. She's actually a lot warmer than her husband and is more direct with her emotions. [/center]