[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi5iYjg1ZDEuVkdobElFTmhZbWx1SUZOeGRXRmsuMA,,/reisenberg.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nr5vnk2.gif[/img] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/f7uqM7XZLpTTa/giphy.gif[/img] [b][u]Location: [/u][/b] Jay's Cabin - Living Room and Kitchen [b][u]Characters:[/u][/b] Jay Tomers, Clarissa Price, Amelia Johnston [@GoddessSophia], and Sam Krios[@MiddleEarthRoze] [hr] [hr][/center] Jay smiled lightly at Sam’s comment. [color=springgreen][b]“Then this should be no problem for you.”[/b][/color] Jay commented, placing the Lover’s Aloe Vera plant on the countertop. Jay was traveling all over the kitchen, probably having Sam glancing back and forth. He was getting all sort of items form all over the kitchen. He got a [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51OHMfzLITL._AC_UL320_SR312,320_.jpg]brick-colored Molcajete[/url], spices that were up in the dozens that no one aside Jay would be able to know exactly what they were, some weird liquid that simply had the tag “Caution: Highly Flammable. Keep away from open flame.” He also got two pairs of fireproof gloves and [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Gas-welding-goggles.jpg]goggles[/url] that were used in cases such as science lab work. He handed a pair of the goggles to Sam. [color=springgreen][b]“Here, put this on.”[/b][/color] Jay said, not even looking at Sam as the Son of Demeter was in the zone. Sammy raised on eyebrow at the stuff Jay was getting out - wasn't this all a bit much for a bump on the head? However, it seemed Jay had something to prove.[i]Goddamn.I shoulda just let him throw Skye out himself.[/i] Sam thought to himself, then pulling a face at the goggles offered to him.[color=purple]"Uh... what's the deal here? We making fertilizer bombs or something?"[/color] He asked, glancing at the gloves and goggles. Obviously Jay hadn't worked out that with control of fire, there came an immunity to it. [color=purple]"I'll do without this stuff - just tell me what to fire up."[/color] He added, thinking to himself just why Jay had all of this stashed in his kitchen. Was Demeter making meth on the side or something? It would be almost a full minute until Jay would say anything. He was making sure every item was the right one and that the Molcajete was placed perfectly. When he was done checking, Jay wiped his forehead, and looked at Sam.[color=springgreen] [b]"No, you'll put the goggles on."[/b][/color] Jay said demandingly to Sam. [color=springgreen][b]"Of course, if you don't enjoy full-functionality in your retinas, then by all means, leave them off.."[/b][/color] He said sarcastically, turning back to the molcajete as he continued to prepare the Lover's Quell(what will help Clarissa). Hearing the boys in the kitchen; Clarissa rose a slight eyebrow. [color=red] "Fertilizer Bombs?...no thank you! I have enough of a head-ache, without a bomb going off." [/color]. Her comment causing Amelia to laugh. [color=lightblue] "Hah! Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor, Rissa." [/color] she teased and she glanced over to where the boys were standing. She rose a slight eyebrow, watching Jay's change of demeanor. [color=lightblue] "Oi...be nice to each other boys! We can still hear, you know."[/color] she spoke, shaking her head slightly at their debate about the goggles. [color=lightblue] "Just put the goggles on and save yourself trouble Sammy..." [/color] she flashed him a warm smile, before looking over at Clarissa who seemed to be curious what was going on. [color=red] "Not that I am complaining...but can someone tell me, what the heck you're making?" [/color] she asked, with a raised eyebrow. Clearly curious and eager to know what was going on. [color=purple]"Hell if I know, Rissa."[/color] Sam grumbled, darting a scowl at Jay as he put the goggles on. Although he didn't appreciate the orders - he was never one for taking them, let alone who was dishing them out - he was still damn hungry. And breakfast was getting cold. [color=springgreen][b]"It's a special ointment called Lover's Quell. Demeter taught it to me a month or so ago. It can only be made with the intention of — and I don't mean to sound corny here — love."[/b][/color] Jay responded sharply at Sam's complaining. [color=purple]"Is this going to take long or what?"[/color] He asked Jay impatiently. Jay sighed at Sam.[color=springgreen][b] "Listen, I get that this isn't exactly what you would call fun, but this is what I do best. I'm not physically strong like you. As much as I would liked to be the one to smash Skye's face in and light his hair on fire, I can't. So, this is the only thing I can do."[/b][/color] Jay told Sam as he went back to finishing the preparations. Hearing Jay say something about a Lover's Quell. Amelia smiled [color=lightblue]"Awww..." [/color] the response, caused Clarissa's cheeks to turn bright pink as she blushed, feeling a bit flustered. Sam rolled his eyes at Jay's answer, although thanks to the darkened glass of the goggles, he didn't see it.[color=purple]"Ah, don't say that Jay. You can obviously cook, so that's something. Fabulous hair, that's there too. You should grow it out and weaponise it, like Rapunzel."[/color] Sam said with a teasing grin, chuckling lightly. [color=springgreen][b]"I am not going to grow my hair out only for my evil mother to lock me away in some tower."[/b][/color] Jay responded sharply. Hearing Sam, Clarissa coughed slightly. [color=red] "Sam...shut it! You know I love you, my best friend ...but I might just kick your ass, the moment I feel better." [/color] she warned, somewhat teasing him but flashed him a warning look-before giving him an innocent smile. Amelia just giggled shaking her head. [color=lightblue] "Just play nice boys...for Clarissa's sake.."[/color] she shook her head, laughing a bit. [color=ligthtblue] "Unless, you all want another argument..." [/color] she slightly warning them-knowing no one wanted to argue yet again. [color=purple]"Damn, bit harsh calling Demeter evil. And here I thought she was a real sweetheart."[/color] He retorted smoothly, waving off Clarissa's playful threat. Jay acknowledged Clarissa's not-so-subtle threat she made towards Sam and chuckled. He then gave Amelia a quick nod and went back down to his work station. He placed the Lover's Aloe Vera into the molcajete carefully. He didn't want to waste even a single drop of the plant. He had to take it out of the pot it was in. When it was safely and snug into the molcajete, Jay placed his hands over the plant. [color=springgreen][b]"Pay attention to the plant. You're about to see something I never do in front of people."[/b][/color] Jay gave Sam a smirk. As Jay held his hands over the plant, his brown own started to gain a golden glow to them. It was slow, but gradually, they became so bright that the goggles would become useful.The light was only dangerous to those within a one foot radius of it. Amelia and Clarissa were safe from the intensity of the light. By the time three minutes had rolled around, Jay's hands no longer had a brown color to them. They were pure gold light and the Lover's Aloe Vera plant had changed from a ripe, meadow green to a romantic pinkish-red. [color=springgreen][b]"Sam, set a spark into the molcajete, but just enough to ignite it lightly."[/b][/color] Jay told Sam, holding his golden hands away from the pot so that Sam could do the thing. Despite the pretty lights show, Sam wasn't particularly impressed, especially with the dramatic set-up by Jay. A few seconds after Jay finished, Sam cocked his head slightly.[color=purple]"So that's your superpower? Blooming flowers?"[/color] He asked, one eyebrow cocked. Jay looked at Sam. [color=springgreen][b]"For the record, it's not Blooming Flowers."[/b][/color] Jay corrected Sam. [color=springgreen][b]"I am able to draw the natural energy from all plant life."[/b][/color] He continued, [color=springgreen][b]"with the amount of energy I got from this plant alone, I would be able to blow this entire cabin to The Underworld. Then again, the Lover's Aloe Vera isn't exactly your ordinary plant. So, this plant here is equal to about twenty redwood trees. "[/b][/color] Jay laughed, thinking about what he could possibly do with just the energy in his hands. [color=purple][i]"Jeez, and this guy thought he was weaker than me."[/i][/color] Sam thought to himself. [color=purple]"Huh. Not bad. You do realize I'm going to be calling you Poison Ivy from here on out, right?"[/color] He said with a grin while shooting a gentle spark into the pot thingy. [color=springgreen][b]"That's fine, [i]Oracle.[/i]"[/b][/color] Jay said smirking, trying his own luck at clever nicknames. He had to admit it wasn't all that bad. If President Obama were present, he'd probably say 'Not bad.' [color=purple]"Oracle didn't have visions, vine boy."[/color] He retorted, sticking out his tongue childishly. [color=purple]"Unless you're talking about The Oracle, in which case, sign me up. Lucky chick had one on one contact with God of Hotness himself, Apollo."[/color] He added with a teasing grin - this one now aimed at Amelia. Obviously she knew he was joking - when wasn't he? - But he felt the need to show it more with her. They were now hooking up, after all. Jay had opened his mouth, but decided against from speaking mid-thought. He simply shook his head. Hearing the boys, Amelia just laughed shaking her head [color=lightblue] "You two boys, are driving me nuts." [/color] she watched them both, with a raised eyebrow before flashing them both a smile. But hearing Jay talk about his powers, she looked somewhat impressed, wondering just how potent the energy from his hands actually was. She noticed the bright colors from here...even if it didn't affect her and Clarissa, like it would if they were much closer to the scene. Clarissa let out a slight groan at their playful bickering. Rolling her eyes into the back of the head. [color=red] "Fine...no one listens to me and Lia...as usual, you two bicker away." [/color] she muttered, teasing them both. Seeing Sam's current reaction, her jaw clenched slightly at the term 'vine boy'. [color=red] "I really could thump you right now, Sammy." [/color] she hissed through clenched teeth, but also from the pain that kept rushing through her head every few moments. [color=purple]"Feel free to do so, if you can stand up."[/color] Was Sam's cool response to Clarissa's threat, ushering forth more eye rolling from himself. Clarissa shot Sam an annoyed glare at his cool response; lips pursed. [color=Red] "Amelia...?" [/color] she just prompted. Laughing, Amelia shook her head [color=lightblue] "I am not hitting my boyfriend, on behalf of you. You can deal with Sammy yourself, once your head is better, if you still intend on kicking his butt." [/color] she said in a teasing tone. Hearing the commentary from Amelia and Clarissa, Jay nodded as if giving himself self-confirmation that it was time to get the ointment ready. [color=springgreen][b]"Alright, stand back Sam, this might get just a little flameo,"[/b][/color] Jay said with a smirk. Giving a moment or two for Sam to step away(if he wanted to), Jay placed both hands over the plant. He then began to transfer the energy back into the plant. However, unlike when Jay absorbed the energy and turned the plant pinkish-red, when the energy from Jay's hands went back into the Lover's Aloe Vera, it only intensified the pinkish-red color to it. Added to that, flames sparked all around. Some sparked up and some to the left and to the right. The weird thing was that, even though the flames sparked all around, they were moving in an odd motion around around the molcajete as if being drawn to it. In truth, it was being drawn to the essence of Demeter that Jay combined with the natural energy from the Lover's Aloe Vera. With Jay's hands back to their natural brown shade, Jay worked quickly. He started pouring all of the spices, the liquid, the fragments of glass and stone, and all in rapid succession. Those dozens of containers were all empties after one-hundred seconds. After Jay was finished, he turned to Sam again.[color=springgreen] [b]"Same as before, but up the output of fire by thirty-five percent."[/b][/color] Jay told Sam. Considering Jay's warning about the goggles had been right, Sam took a step back from the pot, still watching on unimpressed at the lights. Now, tree fireworks would be a sight to see. He'd have to ask him about that for Independance Day or something. [color=purple]"Hey, would a 'please' kill you?"[/color] Sam asked irritably at Jay's second order. [color=springgreen][b]"Fine, [i]please[/i] up the percentage of the flame to thirty-five percent."[/b][/color] Jay said staring at Sam. [color=purple]"Also, do I look like Tony Stark? There aren't any percentages when it comes to magic, kiddo."[/color] He added with a light scoff, then turning his uninjured hand back to the pot and sending slightly more energetic flames into it. [i][color=purple]"35 per cent my ass."[/color][/i] He grumbled in his head. Jay raised an eyebrow and then just chuckled. [color=springgreen][b]"No, I guess you don't. You look more like a rather accurate, real life version of Itachi Uchiha, but with the Kakashi Hatake coolness."[/b][/color] How about that? Jay actually gave Sam a proper compliment. They [i]are[/i] warming up to each other— and quite literally given the current happenings with the molcajete. Sam stared at Jay blankly for a moment wondering what in the whole realm of hell an Itachi was. Deciding that It was likely a name from one of those weird Japanese cartoons, Sam decided to just not mention it. He would have preferred Tony Stark though - the guy was the perfect combination of badass and sexy. Oh, and rich. [color=springgreen][b]"It's a compliment, Sam."[/b][/color] Jay said, sighing. [color=springgreen][b]"Anyways, let's finish this up."[/b][/color] he said, going to the molcajete. The final step involved a lot of physical strength. He glanced at Sam for a moment, but then decided against from letting Sam do it. Jay needed to do it so that he could gradually add Demeter's Essence into it. As he gripped the pestle that came with the molcajete, Jay started to ferociously smash the flaming plant. Though it was hot, Jay pushed through the uncomfortable feeling. There was a mot of squishy-like sounds being heard and juices flying everywhere. It was no doubt a puke-inducing sight. And all the while, Jay never let up. He didn't stop until the plant was reduced to a paste-like consistency. It was through that dedication that the ointment was completed. It had a pinkish-red color with a golden glow. Some could argue that this was a combined product of Demeter and Apollo, but it was all Demeter with aid from Hecate. Quite the team indeed. [color=springgreen][b]"All right, it's done. Now, we let it rest for three minutes and we give it to Clarissa."[/b][/color] Jay said, taking off his goggles and wiping the sweat from his forehead. As the two seemed to bicker still, about nicknames and such. Amelia rolled her eyes looking over at the boys. [color=lightblue] "Would it kill either of you to be nice and not use odd nicknames?" [/color] she asked, with a shake of her head. Will the boys ever learn to get along? She couldn't help but wonder...all of the bickering and nicknames were getting on her and Clarissa's nerves. Watching Jay and Sam over the molcajete, who were finishing the healing ointment up. The odd scents lingered in the air and the squashing sounds caused both Clarissa and Amelia's stomachs to twist and turn. Both girls curious to see the finished product, that would heal up Clarissa's wound. It seemed like the next three minutes, dragged on even worse than the time the boys spent on making the ointment. Clarissa closed her eyes for a few moments, resting her eyes...her head throbbing on occasion. [color=red] "Are the three hours up yet?" [/color] Clarissa asked, after 1 and half minutes have passed.Amelia laughed [color=lightblue] "It's three minutes...not three hours Rissa. Still another minute and half to go" [/color] she told her.Clarissa pouts and whines [color=red] "Feels like three hours." [/color] she mumbled, groaning at her throbbing head. [color=red] "Oh...Sam, next time you insinst on blowing up my brother's hair...blow up his bags with it." [/color] she suggested, with a smile towards her friend. That just caused Amelia to giggle, shaking her head. And with the added comments from the peanut gallery, the remaining ninety seconds had passed. The molcajete was shining with a brillant gold to magenta-like red glow. It was almost as it was like some kind of rare, mystical stone that was slowly coming to its maximum purity. Jay's eyes seemed to gleam as he looked at it. This was his first time making the Lover's Quell Ointment. He wasn't sure if it would even come out as Demeter told him. She had told him that, if done correctly, it should have a golden and red glow to it. Jay did as she instructed and though it was more magenta, it did seem to be rather spot on. [color=springgreen][b]"Yeah, thanks mom."[/b][/color] Jay said with a gentle smile, his voice loud enough for Sam to hear it. Removing his goggles, Sam darted a grin at Clarissa at her comment on Skye and his bags. He was tempted, but with the amount of flammable products within them, it probably would have wiped them all of the map. [color=purple]"Huh. Would you look that - we went and made a mana potion."[/color] Sammy said with a low whistle, upon looking at the finished product. For all the weird-ass ingredients that had gone into it, it sure looked pretty. Hearing Jay's thank towards Demeter, Sammy didn't say anything on it - out of all the crappy-ass powers that Gods could potentially give their kids ([color=purple][i]Hecate, I'm looking at you,[/i][/color]), this was a pretty nice one. Of course, from Demeter, that's what anyone would expect. [color=purple]"Will this make her immune to hangovers? Because if that's the case, we'll need to be changing the rules for any future skinny-dipping contests."[/color] He said, then paused, darting a joking scowl at the girls. [color=purple]"Which, by the way, I don't remember either of you finishing. Shameful, ladies."[/color] He chuckled. Jay caught his chuckle. [color=springgreen][b]"No, this won't have any effect on alcohol tolerance. Even Demeter isn't [i]that[/i] good."[/b][/color] Jay laughed. He picked up the molcajete. It wasn't hot. Well, not anymore it wasn't. Back when the fire was put into it, you bet your ass it was hot — it was hotter than lava, but that's the wonders that comes with Demeter's Essence. It's able to work miracles, which Sam, Clarissa, and Amelia would soon find out. Jay had brought the molcajete to where Amelia and Clarissa was. He was on Clarissa's right side(the side where her head was hit). He was knelt down on one knee. He looked at her sincerely.[color=springgreen][b]"I know it might look disgusting and might feel even worse, but just bare with me, okay?"[/b] [/color] Jay smiled sweetly towards Clarissa. It was a smile that would be comforting, as if ailing any doubts or worries she might or might not have. Clarissa smiled back at Sam and then as she heard his words about skinny dipping. [color=red] "Yes, because skinny dipping whilst one is asleep upstairs and the other is passed out in another location...is possible." [/color] she mocked, giving him a teasing look. Of course, it was not possibly...they all knew that. Amelia just laughed as the debate about the skinny dipping contest was brought up. Glancing over at Sam, she just smiled. [color=lightblue] "Well....." [/color] Amelia breathed out, standing up once Jay moved over to Clarissa's side. [color=lightblue] "Seeing, how much mess Clarissa made on her own, last night..." [/color] she gestured to the mess off bottles on the floor. [color=lightblue] "I think, it'd be my best bet...that she won over me, despite the separate parties by the end of the night. Never seen a girl drink 11 tequila's down with ease and live to drink 2 bottles of vodka and other beverages after." [/color] she smiled at Clarissa, before looking at Sam. Amelia was not used to loosing bets-but a bet was a bet. And Clarissa had won, despite the change of schedule and things last night...meaning the skinny dipping was postponed for after breakfast. She then glanced down towards Jay and Clarissa with a smile. [color=lightblue] "You two, gonna kiss and make up yet?" [/color] she teased, with a soft smile. Walking over to Sam, she leaned against his side, giving him a soft squeeze. [color=purple]"Well, if it means seeing you skinny-dipping..."[/color] Sam replied to Amelia, smirking lightly. Amelia blushed at Sam's comment, giggling a bit. [color=lightblue] "You wanna see me skinny-dip?" [/color] she blushed at the thought and smiled at him. [color=lightblue] "Mhh...interesting..." [/color] she pretends to act surprised, like she didn't see it coming. When Jay knelt down by her side, Clarissa looked at him and the ointment, she made a slight face. [color=red] "Is it just me...or does that look digusting?" [/color] she said and as he smiled at her. She felt her heart flutter at his soft smile, returning the soft sweet smile, she gave him a slight nod. [color=red] "I'll try...just tell me when it's over." [/color] she told him and just closed her eyes, not wanting to see what he was about to do with it on her head. Jay smiled and brought his hand, which had a good amount of the Lover's Quell in it. It worked different than usual love ointments. Sure, it had the look of paste and in usual circumstances, it would probably be okay to simply rub it on a surface, but that's not how Demeter told Jay to do it. The Lover's Quell was special. It required a chant — a chant that Jay remembered by heart. He had to, or else this was useless. [center][h3][sup][color=springgreen]The essence of thy goddess quells thy pain When sprinkled with intention, love is combined with rain.[/color][/sup][/h3][/center] Mid-chant, the Lover's Quell started to move on its own accord, floating over Clarissa's head. It had such a bright, golden gleam to it, that Clarissa's body slowly began to have a faint golden aura with a hint of magenta-like red in it. The feeling of warmth would soon consume her. [center][h3][sup][color=springgreen]Add the light through the hands of her seed; For there is protection and all hurt is freed.[/color][/sup][/h3][/center] As Jay finished, the Lover's Quell had dissolved into Clarissa's wound, closing it almost instantaneously. The aura around her would intensify for a moment. It was to the point of near blindness, but it was gone as soon as it came. Though it disappeared, Clarissa would still feel that feeling of warmth that the aura gave her when it started. Added to that, a small mark would appear on her wrist. One could argue that it is the crest of Demeter, or simply something as an after product of the Lover's Quell. [color=springgreen][b]"And done."[/b][/color] Jay said, wiping his forehead as he rested on his bottom. He looked at Clarissa. [color=springgreen][b]"How do you feel?"[/b][/color] He asked her. As Clarissa had her eyes shut, not wanting to look; she heard Jay start to chant. It felt like something was hovering near her head. Listening to the odd chant, that came along with the Lover's Quell, Clarissa bit her lower lip slightly. Feeling a sudden warmth surround her, she let out a slight gasp, it felt like someone turned up the heat. [color=red] "Is it just me, or is it baking hot in here all of a sudden?" [/color] she breathed out, twisting the edge of her shirt, around her neck as she felt close to sweating. Wincing slightly, she felt the Ointment on her head and soon enough...the pain was fading away, as she was healed. Clarissa felt some discomfort and pain, but it was mostly gone. Just a little after-shock from the healing. She blinked, as Jay said he was finished. [color=red] "Umm..A bit hot...and strange. Maybe I might need a skinny dip with Amelia..." [/color] she admitted, seeing she was glowing a bit still. But she smiled at him softly, seeing him sitting beside her. [color=red] "But better...my head is good...I think. Just a little pai...." [/color] she trailed off, as she saw a marking forming on her wrist. Holding her wrist up, Clarissa glanced at the mark. She looked surprised, but then her lips curved up into a soft smile. [color=red] "Well...I wasn't expecting this, little surprise." [/color] she said, holding up her arm with a proud smirk, of her new marking, before she beamed over at Jay with a bright smile. Amelia watched Jay and Clarissa, biting her lip intently. She winced at the bright light, hiding her face in Sam's arm, before the light faded away and she laughed hearing Clarissa's words about feeling hot. She then smiled seeing the marking. [color=lightblue] "Aww, that's cool and sweet. you got a mark of Demeter on your wrist." [/color] she said smiling. It seemed like Clarissa was proud of the marking-of course, why shouldn't she? After all, it was her boyfriend Jay that healed her and considering how much Clarissa adored and cared for Jay; it was clear, Clarissa was proud of him too. While Amelia saw the mark as sweet, Sam thought it was kinda... creepy. Even putting aside all feelings for Jay, it simply looked like a brand. Hell, he wouldn't be happy with a brand of a God on him - not one that was placed there involuntarily anyhow. Looking at Clarissa, Jay took her hand. [color=springgreen][b]"You know, there's a reason why it's called Lover's Quell. Demeter told me about it before I came to Olympus Academy. She said that, even though anyone could make it, the effects would be only five percent. It was something that only those who were truly and wholly in love could not only make, but able to bring out its effects one-hundred percent."[/b][/color] Jay moved his hand to the Crest of Demeter, [color=springgreen][b]"this will protect you, Clarissa. Added to that, it will increase your tolerance for physical pain. This crest has the Essence of Demeter held within."[/b][/color] He gave her a smile. [color=springgreen][b]"It probably doesn't make up for how I've been acting lately, but this is the best that I could do right now."[/b][/color] Jay said somberly. As Jay took her hand, Clarissa looked into his light green eyes. Getting lost in his hues, as he spoke. As he explained the Lover's Quell to her, she felt her cheeks turn pink...feeling more warm still. Not from the effects of the Quell, but Jay's words. Her brown eyes were soft-she seemed to be lost in Jay's eyes, totally ignorant to Amelia and Sam's presence for a few moments. She then glanced at her wrist, taking in the crest of Demeter more fully. But she smiled softly, glancing at Jay once again. [color=red] "It might not seem like much, to some people. But it's probably a bigger of an apology and sentiment to me.Thank you...for being the sweet, loving you...and just helping me." [/color] she breathed out softly. Wrapping her arms around Jay, she hugged him. Her body moving in closer to his, giving him a squeeze, as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Deciding that he'd better not get further into Clarissa's bad books, he didn't raise any concerns he had about the mark - instead casting his eyes towards the breakfast table. Jay smiled as he and Clarissa embraced. "Thank you. You don't know how much that--" Jay was interrupted by Sam. [color=purple]"Well, if our little health potion has worked, perhaps we can eat? I'd like to get back to the Academy before Skye breaks into our rooms and trashes everything we own."[/color] He suggested.