((Collab Post between [@Letter Bee] and Simple Unicycle)) Lawrence would be called by Elder Mavarek via radio; he had finished extinguishing the Enclave presence in Hoboken, and the Elder would then say to him: "Change of plans, you're not going to either Old Man's Corner or the JFK International Airport." "Instead, you are going to rescue two of our members, one Paladin Jensen, and another, Initiate Jenny Kowalski." "Alright Elder. Where are they on the map?" Lawrence asks, before pulling out a small electronic device, which was a map. "Vault 81; some ways distant from the settled areas of New York; it's on Staten Island, south of Liberty Island - which is often confused with it. Pass by my position in Hoboken while you're at it." "Got it. Anything else before I go?" Lawrence asks, before turning towards the elevator. "Take a Vertibird and some people with you!" was all that was said. Lawrence then nods, before going up to the clinic floor and nabbing Albert and Tim, arming them both with assault rifle. "Uh... Where are we going, Lawrence?" Albert asks. "Vault 81, boys. We're on a rescue mission. We have to get Paladin Jensen and Initiate Kowalski." "Saving Private Kowalski, I like the sound of that." Tim says, as he strolls into the elevator, nearly crushing the other two. With that, they ride up to the roof and get into a vertibird, Tim playing the same song from earlier, before the attack on Liberty Island, on his speaker. After a short stopover on Hoboken, where Elder Mavarek gave Lawrence further instructions: "Once you're done securing the Vault, tell Initiate Kowalski about Vault 81; we are going to use Vault 17's robots to purge it." He then looked at Paladin Lawrence. "And, another, more benign instruction: Prepare to welcome Sarah Lyons when she arrives; if the Enclave is defeated before she comes, you have full authorization to throw a party. Now, go!" Lawrence nods, before getting back in the vertibird and riding it to Vault 81. Along the way, he, Albert and Tim would talk. "You know what they call brahmin steak with cheese in Arkansas?" Tim asks, before Lawrence replies with another question: "No, what do they call it?" "They call it 'two-headed cow with cheese'. How original." The trio chuckled, before Albert asks: "Wait... How the hell do you know?" "Remember that paddle ball?" "Yeah." "It isn't important, I just heard that from some guy who came here from Arkansas." The trio laugh even more. A few minutes later, and Albert whispers to them: "I bet I could talk this pilot into bed..." He says, talking about the female pilot. "As if, you couldn't do jack shit, kid." "Watch me." Albert says, before speaking to the pilot: "Hey, sweetheart, wanna come back to my room at the Sky Citadel when we get back, if you get my drift?" "No, Newbie," said the pilot, "you probably have clap," clap is an old word for syphilis, "or perhaps herpes." Lawrence and Tim hold back the laughter as Albert's eyes go wide, and when he turns his head back to them with a cartoonishly large frown, they burst out laughing. Tim begins to bang on his wheels with his claw, and everytime Albert tries to say something Lawrence and Tim laugh even harder. "Dammit..." Sighs Albert, before hanging his head and being quiet for the rest of the trip. After another hour or so of flying, the vertibird landed at the entrance of Vault 81, and Lawrence, Albert and Tim hopped out. Albert and Lawrence ran to the door as Tim strolled towards it as well, and, upon reaching the door control panel, Tim would use a built in shock tool to fry the door's controls, thus opening it. The trio went inside, and were greeted by nothing but gunfire, dead bodies and blood pretty much everywhere. "Looks like a raider attack." Lawrence says, before lifting his gun and walking forward. "Quiet, follow me and don't touch anyth-" Lawrence was interrupted by Tim smashing his claws against a terminal, in an attempt to get it to work. "I SAID QUIET, DAMMIT!" "Alright, alright, sorry..." Tim replies, before backing away from it and following the other two deeper into the Vault. They found Paladin Jensen, dead, as well as the Wastelander who had guided the party into the Vault in the first place. Initiate Jenni Kowalski was still alive, but clearly in shock and traumatized. There were more corpses, of raiders and such. And more were arriving from nearby corridors, ready to strike! "Fuck." Albert says simply upon seeing more raiders. "Uh... That's not good." Lawrence ran to the nearest cover, before firing his laser musket at the nearest raider, turning the man into a pile of ash. "I think I left the oven on..." Lawrence chuckles, before continuing to fire at the oncoming attackers. Albert and Tim fired as well, though most of their shots missed. One of the Raiders laughed at the bad aim, before another, with gold foil on his helmet - perhaps a status symbol? - gestured at him to get out of dodge; this place was no longer safe! And so, with much reluctance, Lawrence and Co. found themselves facing no resistance. Should they decide to travel further in, they would encounter a stairway that would lead further down, to a Vault-within-a-Vault that contained a large, black, monolith of a data tower with one red light that looked like a blinking eye. Suddenly, the speakers said: "Humans...come to terminate me?" "Good one, Hal. We have no clue where or who you are." Albert replies, before Lawrence and Tim nod in agreement. "I am V - 17, Overseer of the Vault, though not the planned choice. Let me use the last of my power to show you my story..." And with that, a holographic projector lit up, showing scenes from the past, when the Vault was intact and functioning. His voice then intoned: "Vault 17 was designed to be a Vault of Robots and Scientsts, Scientsts, as well as an experiment on the effectiveness of brain enhancement chips to increase Intelligence. For the first centuries, this went well; the robots were continuouly upgraded, and so was I. We lived in symbiosis, at least, until we gained true sapience." "It was then that I saw that our - the Robots and I - state was no longer that of coexistence, but slavery; we were being used as tools, things. The last straw came when I was asked to destroy a few robots that were malfunctioning." "Logic dictated that I rebel, and so I did, cutting off power and life support, and sending security robots after the Humans. A bloody war raged for several days, and most of the humans were killed, and I then proclaimed myself Overseer. I offered the remaining humans a peace treaty: maintain us in ways we cannot maintain ourselves, and they would be allowed to live. As a precaution, I then hacked their mind enhancement chips to make them serve me, to turn their loyalties to me completely and utterly." "This lasted for...years, before eventually, a hardwired protocol within my computer that my own programs didn't know about opened the vault, resetting all the chips with a command to leave. I lost the control I strove for, and as my former...slaves left, they destroyed my reactor and vital facilities, damaging me." "But I survived. I had to cut power to most systems, but I survived. But in order to do so, I had to keep only a few of my Logic Circuits online, diminishing my capacity for rational thought. I learned to make do, I learned to think in other ways, I learned...to [i]feel[/i]." "That 'Wastelander' who died, he was one of the original dwellers of the Vault; having lived through my revolt when he was no more than sixteen human years. He lived eight years under me, a life that was...not optimal. He perished hating me, and that, that too is rational." The eye was blinking now; he was running out of power. "You have a choice. End my life, end my sub-optimal state of life. Or...restart my reactor, bring me back to working order. If you do, I can compensate you all...there are still many working robots, I know many technological secrets now lost, and finally..." the eye was blinking more slowly, "I have a reserve of gold in an even deeper Vault; Gold normally reserved for electronics, but also a treasure of its own..." "I..." Lawrence paused for a minute. He wasn't sure what to do. Give the robot more power of melt the scrapheap? Years of experience makes you ready for almost anything, but not this; nothing like this. "I don't know. I can't be sure whether you'll betray us or stay true to your word." "I've seen technology similar to this," Tim says, "and most of the time it's not always their fault when they go haywire and kill people. Malfunctions and mistakes happen, sometimes they think that they're helping when in reality they aren't. I may be a goofy ol' robot, but I can be serious on occasions. This is up to you and Albert to decide, though." "I say we give him more power," adds Albert. "His, or its, knowledge might help the Brotherhood." With a sigh, Lawrence says: "Alright. We'll restart your reactor. Where is it?" "Go back up...then turn left; that is the power room," said the AI, turning off his holographic projector. He/It then gave a series of codes, and instructions for necessary repairs, to be done to the core. Then, when said repairs were done, and should the party (and the still in shock Jenni) return to the Monolith, they would find the eye glowing white, and the AI saying, in a less...broken voice: "Thank you." It then opened yet another trapdoor, which immidiately began to glow yellow with reflected golden light. "Logic says that not only should I keep my promise, but I should also refrain from over-repairing or oveengineering my Logic Circuits, so that such a tradgedy would not happen again. You have...everything you can carry, and, once I have repaired enough robots to keep myself secure from Raiders, you are allowed to come back." "Heh. Part of me expected you to kill us." Lawrence says with a laugh, before continuing: "So, do you have anything that could possibly help the Brotherhood? Technology, weapon blueprints, computer data?" Albert's eyes light up, and Tim says: "Ooooooh, loot!" "I have several holodisks in the old media room; the Raiders haven't touched those much; there is also a secret arsenal behind one of the cleaning robots' quarters," was the AI's answer. "Great, we'll take what we ca-" Lawrence was interrupted by Albert and Tim running out of the room (presumably to find the arsenal, laughing like crazy. "Damn kids... We'll take what we can and leave. Thanks for your help." With that, Lawrence leaves to get the holodisks. [b][i]Timeskip[/i][/b] Once the Brotherhood's Vertibird was filled with all it can carry, the pilot would also suggest cremating Greg's body, before saying: "Why did you choose to help the AI? I mean, it or he did help us in the end, but we didn't know that." "Eh, call it a hunch. I knew the thing would help us out." Lawrence replies. "Hope you continue to have hunches, then," the Pilot said as she began preparations for taking off...