Raffey was leading Dibney further and further into the forest, the herd still thundering through, the sheer numbers of the massive beasts showing the significance of whatever scared them. Raffey kept looking where they were running from, when he saw it. Pale, large, and triple headed, the [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/ebonfort/images/b/b6/Kasava.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151231025637]monster[/url] was chasing after the last of the herd monsters. It stood taller than them, but it moved awkwardly, partially running on insect like legs, and swinging around the massive trees. Raffey got a fun idea, [color=39b54a][color=39b54a][i][b]"I 'ope ya readeh. Dis goin' be fun."[/b][/i][/color][/color] He hutted twice and Dibney chortled skirting a wide circle until the newest predator passed by, still trying to catch up to the last herd beast. He then clicked his tongue loudly, and drew his spear from his saddlehold. Dibney raced to catch up to the monster, staying behind it and off to the side. Once she was close enough for Raffey to reach, he shouted, [color=39b54a][i][b]"Ho."[/b][/i][/color] Dibney maintained a matching speed, as Raffey readied his spear. He looked back at his companion, just smiling, before eyes forward. His torso was twisted to the left, but as he prepared for an overarm thrust, it twisted back to the right, his arm cocking back. He then snapped it forward, letting loose the elastic power of his muscles, his arm arcing up, then down, slamming the spear into a fleshy part of the creature, making sure to twist at the end, to lock it in place. Then he gripped it with his other hand, as the creature screamed in pain. It flinched away from Dibney, pulling Raffey off the giant beetle. His weight didn't seem to slow it much, as it seemed his blow was mostly being ignore now. Because of the angle of the thrust, his spear was pointed at an upward angle, shaking violently as it ran, his muscles straining just to keep him on it. He swung his legs up to the shaft, making sure to tighten his stomach to keep steady, managing to wrap his legs around it as his arms finally gave way, letting him slide down to the creature's flesh. It was firm and ripply beneath his boots, giving him decent enough footing, so long as he kept a hold of his spear. He took a moment to rest his arms, before powering himself forward and upward, keeping one hand one his spear. As soon as his feet were flat atop the creature's back, a deft twist of his spear pulled it free and spinning around his arm as he slammed it down in the creature's back. Once more it screamed, as tentacles began slapping backward, trying to seek him out, one of the three heads looking back at him. He was just out of reach it seemed, and the creature seemed deadset on chasing down it's prey. He took a moment of rest, wondering if his feline companion managed to join him. He was still atop the creature as it dashed out of the forest and into the open plains air, now a bit more stable without trees to help balance it.