[b][@IronWill][@Whitewind][/b] [b][color=39b54a]"Thank you ladies. We have a very busy schedule today. I will give you a bit of the background of The Dragon Riders Lore of this area and why we have not had any dragons in over a hundred years. Here is the Legend of the Dragon Riders as I was taught: [color=00aeef]Many a long year ago, there was a wonderful place where there were many dragons and dragon riders. They were trained at one academy called Dragonopia. Dragonopia was pretty much hidden away in a large mountain range in a distant village. This village had an Inn where you could apply for a dragon rider. You had to do much work and book work before you were allowed to even have an egg. Many tried applied, some were lucky enough to enter the school and even less was allowed to have an egg. Whether the reason was due to the actual hard work, not being able to pass the strict written test or if there was not enough eggs to go around, I do not know. But I do know what was passed down to me from my grandfather. Dragonopia became very prosperous and quite powerful. Some said too powerful in the lives of regular humans. They even were judges of the courts. They were hard and tough beings. Their hearts must have turn to stone for they gave out such stern decisions in the court. Some say that they barely heard what was said by either side and had made up their minds before they even held court. All of the Dragon Riders had magical powers as well. Fearsome powers like being able to throw fire across the room just to turn a person to ashes…. Just like that! Some even were able to appear and disappear like ghosts. There were so many different powers that these Riders held that people became very scared of them. Scared enough to declare war on the Dragon Riders. At first it was just not coming to meetings when they were called or not showing up in court or not paying the high fees of protection. The Dragon Riders were not happy in the least. But they tried to reason with the people about needing their supplies and their taxes. Finally the people seemed to give in. The Dragon Riders got their taxes and supplies but the food was tainted with various poisons and diseases. They tried to fight back without fighting. It did work for a while but after a while the Dragon Riders caught on. They had a mage who could tell diseased food from good food. The person who gave the diseased food had to cook it and eat several helpings as punishment for the crime of pestilence spreading. Once more the people refused to give the Dragon Riders anything for the loss of the family member- usually young males who had the job of taking the food to the collection centers- and they declared an all out war on the Dragon Riders. Of course the Dragon Riders would not stand for this and fought back. But the Dragon Riders had become lazy and not as quick as they once were except the young ones who were in training or not out very long. The techniques and skills were diminished by not working out and by over eating. Even the dragons had become lazy and sluggish due to the lack of exercise and overeating. With that in mind, the war was pretty even. The war went on from springtime when everyone should have been planting crops to the dead of winter where the last of the Riders and Dragons disappeared from the face of the Earth. Some say however….. deep in a hidden cave lay many eggs of the Queens. Yes there were more than one Queen. Each species of dragons had a Queen Mother. She was the main egg layer and would protect all of the eggs with her life. All of the females had to bow down to her for she was always the best of them. She was the strongest, fastest and the most intelligent of all of the females and she would not mate with a lesser dragon. To do that would thin her blood line. So it was always a contest to mate with the Queen of any of the dragon species. Except for this one last time where all of the males that were left mated with the Queens. They knew that their hours were limited and they wanted their species not to die out. Even if they could not see their young, they wanted them to have a chance to live in the future time. Each Queen rider was a Mage of Magic Spells and after each Queen had laid their eggs, the Rider would close the cavern with a sleep spell of protection. She then would lay with her own mate, become pregnant with his seed, then leave by a secret way of the Riders, never to return again. She would pass on what she knew to her child once it was born. And the child would pass the information to his or her children who would pass it on their children. The Hundred Years of Sleep of Protection Spell should be nearing the end. Then Dragonopia open her secrets once more. Students will be trained by a new set of leaders and hopefully they have learned from their past mistakes. Hopefully the eggs will wake from their long sleep unharmed and healthy. Hopefully the bonds will be made strong and last long. The Lore Master took a deep breath before continuing on. “This time will be different from the last time. I will be leading the Dragon Riders and Dragon Riders will have a specific code to go by. Here are the Laws that I have set so far. More will be added. These are based on what is considered to be the downfall of the last group of Dragon Riders. 1) Leaders are Leaders-They must keep their morals higher, must have a monogamous relationship with their mate, will keep order and laws. 2) All people are equally able to do jobs. Everyone has their own specialty. 3) Males cannot force females to lay down for a pecking. 4) Females cannot flaunt their wares. 5) Everyone will pull their own weight and will do chores. 6) Teachers will do their best to teach each student on an individual basis if they need extra tutoring. During the winter months, those of us who have had Ancestors of the Dragon Riders will sit down and discuss what should be set into Laws. Until then these Laws must suffice and I will uphold them.[/color] Any questions so far?” The Lore Master asked as she gazed around the room [/color][/b]