[@Eviledd1984] [color=ed1c24] "Who now? Sorry, I don't know any-- Oh wait! Yes I do! But you're kinda on the wrong part of the continent. Oh, unless you mean that one, then it's a completely different continent. But then there's the coffee shop guy, and there's the bookstore guy. He gave me a really nice book a while back, actually. I got really into the series because of it and ended up reading the entire--hey, was it a business trick after all? Oh, but it was a good series..." [/color] It took a moment for Spinel to realize that he was rambling and look back over blankly, having already forgotten what he was doing. [color=ed1c24]"Um...so...I'm Spinel. Nice to meet you. You just missed the party, I'm afraid, but it was really lively in here a moment ago. I'm sure someone will show up if wait long enough, though. There's usually a bunch of them around." [/color]