[quote=@HalfOfLancelot] You can make a titan bruh. Or you can make a Chinese god. Or you can do both. Or, you can make a man character that I can steal and make heart eyes at. [/quote] You got it. [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/953584197be7a1ac4b17719fda2b6ab7/tumblr_n4tf1urDdD1t0kpvgo1_500.gif[/img] [quote=@Apokalipse] Either he missed it, or he might've thought you changed your mind in order to make a Chinese character...idk. THOUGH IF YOU MAKE A CHINESE DEITY, CAN YOU MAKE ONE OF THE EIGHT IMMORTALS. LIKE THE CRAZY GUY WHO USED TO CROSSDRESS AND DANCE IN THE STREETS WHEN HE WAS DRUNK??!?!?!?! [/quote] Oh man, I would but Maximón's already the town drunk.