"She knows our weaknesses. She's been watching us for who knows how long, some of the files were just information about us from an early age. Where we came from, who our parents were-" James paused as he noticed Enna's body stiffen completely. This topic was a sore spot, he shifted and leaned against his brother, Jason nudged his shoulder in silent consent. "-Some of them are recent and some are old. The ones from when she had you and observations she made just after the incident. The rest were noted about each student, what speices they were and the abilities they posses. Some were just drawings and texts in Latin that we didn't have time to translate." Jason paused when James huffed softly and fully leaned on him. "The older students aren't good at tracking so those won't be a problem. The thing we need to worry about are the others that might come looking for us, Enna specifically due to her rank and species. We have food and I'd suggest we eat and sleep some more, a storm is coming and it should help us." Enna remained still and quite, her stomach growling softly not drawing her attention from the darkening sky she was watching. Her head fell heavily against Adrian's chest, her legs curling up as both twins rise and move to the bag of still warm food. [@SomeoneSomewere]