[center][h3][color=800080]Marilee E. Laikos[/color][/h3] [img]http://imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/witchhnds-1441391333.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] The Café [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Ray[@obscurus], Harvey [@Altered Tundra] and not yet Peter [@MiddleEarthRoze][/center][hr][hr] [center][color=black]"As it turns out, a lot of my customers pay me for exactly that. You have a tendency to look stressed, and I have the means to calm you down. But don't worry about that, yesterday was on the house."[/color][/center] Oh that was seriously the incorrect answer and the extremely incorrect attitude. Her hair lifted up around her head, eyes blazing deep red, and she grinned. It was a strange thing to do. But since she so rarely got this angry, her Circe-like grin felt just right for the occasion. [color=a187be]"Yes, well if you had to control something destructive,"[/color] a light bulb popped, [color=a187be]"and dangerous,"[/color] the dishes started to clatter amongst themselves, [color=a187be]"and violent,"[/color] the shattered glass rested in a swirling orbit around her head, [color=a187be]"you'd be a little tense all the time too."[/color] Another deep male voice mocked her anger from behind herself. Her smile faded and red eyes slid over to the very punk-rock looking guy who stood on the other side of the counter. The glass that orbited around her shot towards the other man, her red eyes seeking any kind of violence towards any male at all, this deep in anger. The unfortunate thing about being a daughter of Hecate? When you got soaked in anger, for some reason it took you over and you started to see red, putting blame on anyone who looked like the one who held the starting seed for said anger. Or maybe that was just her special little gift. The hundreds of sharp shards danced about the other male dangerously, as she listened to him. [color=a187be]"I am [i]not[/i] anyone's lady,"[/color] she tried to level the growl that her voice had turned into. Realizing that this wasn't a friend of 'Ray' the glass returned to its orbit about her comfortably. [color=a187be]"And you, whoever the hell you are, can stay out of this,"[/color] she hissed, not quiet liking his low blows, though she would honestly admit he was a good looking guy. Unfortunately she was still seeing red, so she wasn't exactly focused on possible temptations to indulge in. Though maybe later. [color=a187be]"A [i]man[/i] wouldn't understand,"[/color] Marilee scoffed dismissively. She turned her attention back to Ray. [color=a187be]"So this is a teaching moment for everyone, isn't it?"[/color] [color=a187be]"Lesson one: don't drug a lady without her wanting your talents. [u]Ever.[/u]"[/color] The clattering dishes all started to float up in the air, an oddly familiar scene for some reason. [color=a187be]"Lesson two: when you've done something bad, apologize. Don't be a d*ck. It pisses girls off even more."[/color] The red hot itching under her hands seemed to drudged up fuzzy memories from the night before. Her eyes narrowed. [color=a187be]"Lesson three: always know who you're messing with,"[/color] she tilted her head menacingly, [color=a187be]"Do you really want to piss off someone who can not only kill you, but call you up from Tartarus and continue to punish you?"[/color] She glared at him without humor. [color=a187be]"Probably not."[/color] With a big smile she finally realized why this looked familiar. The bandage on his head brought a good piece of the puzzle back. [color=a187be]"Ah, I see,"[/color] she let out an ice cold laugh, [color=a187be]"When the ground shook, I made sure most of the cafe's things stayed in their places. Hm. Then this should be a good reminder for the next time you want to drug some girl, cart her back to your place and let her wake up in your bed with some stupid sh*ty note acting all cheerful."[/color] Lifting a hand, she felt the magic beneath her skin rise to the surface and snake about her, making everything floating around her violently shiver and spin in anticipation. [center][color=a187be]"[i]So you want to have a little fun? Then let's make sure it's nice and long. Let's keep you busy till the day is done![/i]"[/color][/center] With a slam of her hand, red magic shot down into the earth the cafe sat on. Marilee could feel the hex pulse its way through the ground and shoot up through every inch of the building. The dishes all settled themselves back in their shelves, the broken lights all fixed themselves and shone oddly bright, but she crossed her arms and smiled. Standing there, looking a wild wind-blown mess, the dark haired woman smiled and stepped out to the proper side of the counter. She wasn't going to let on how drained and tired she felt from such a big hex, but it would only last till the sun went down, so she just had to make do with getting through her day tired. Easy enough. It would be worth it, to implant some manners in the barista. [color=a187be]"As for you,"[/color] her voice returned to its normal husky and soft tenor, as she turned her now pale eyes on the punk-rocker instigator, [color=a187be]"I do [i]not[/i] need anyone's help serving out a bit of justice."[/color] She lifted her chin. [color=a187be]"Whatever your beef is with this guy, there is no reason to throw such a low jab, though maybe that's just how you Demi-men roll?"[/color] her eyes looked over at the third male in the cafe, as she raised a brow. How very sad if all Demi men were dishonorable in their ways like these two were proving them to be. [color=a187be]"We can hate the Gods as much as we like,"[/color] her soft voice sounded clear, [color=a187be]"Lament, cry, scream, threaten... But at the end of the day there is hardly a thing we do that will bother them, now is there?"[/color] Marilee rested a hand on her hip. [color=a187be]"We all have our grief and sorrow, but we shouldn't gouge each other wounds even deeper. It's pathetic,"[/color] she turned her mirror like eyes to Ray once more, [color=a187be]"You. [i]Ray.[/i] My little lesson lasts until the sun goes down. You drugged me, I hexed you. Our issues are done."[/color] Running her finger through her hair, she tried to tame the wild dark locks. [color=a187be]"I hate getting angry,"[/color] she sighed, sitting in a booth. Crossing one leg over the other, she made herself comfortable. Her little hex wasn't deadly, just another irritation for the barista to deal with. Every time he tried to clean something, it would dirty. His little machines would slow him down by malfunctioning in a sputtering sort of way. Every place he touched on the counter would feel sticky and every step he took on the floor would feel slippery. Minor inconveniences, perhaps, but to have to go through an entire day of it? He would certainly remember to ask the next time he tried to drug someone to make them relax. It was going to be a long day in the cafe for him. Taking out her compact she got to work delicately reapply her makeup. She was actually quiet proud. With the output of magic yesterday, she seemed to be stabilized enough to preform some successful dark magic. Now if only light magic would be a bit easier.