Voira, slumped against the wall of the shuttle as she was, winced as Raa suddenly buried her head into her shot shoulder. Still, she didn't complain, merely putting an arm around the Quarian and comforting her as best she was able. "Shh Raa, it's okay. Don't look." She murmured, ignoring how [i]everything[/i] seemed to hurt and she couldn't breathe quite right. Raa needed her and she wasn't about to let something as simple as physical discomfort get in the way of that. She continued to murmur softly to the Quarian, up until the point where the human walked up. Voira let Raa do the talking. She was too damn tired to put enough effort required into explain all that they would need. Voira waved away the chocolate. "We don't like chocolate." She gave a weary smile as Raa rattled off all the things they would need after checking her. As she watched the human moved away she turned to look at Raa. "And you thought you'd never be in the position where you were taking care of us. Granted, we'd have preferred it where we were sick, or something similar, rather than shot all to hell. Still, we'll take what we can get." She winked at Raa, before turning to watch the remainder of their group. The stupid Turian was recovering as best he could, given what had happened. RK was suspiciously silent. No sarcastic comments, no little quips, just silence. It made Voira wonder what the bitch of an AI was up too. Before the Asari could muse any more, the human returned with the supplies and introduced himself. "Pleasure to meet you Donny. We're shot in the shoulder and hand, have a broken rib, a bruised lung, lacerations on our face, shrapnel in our other shoulder, and Goddess knows what else that we haven't noticed. We managed to tourniquet our shoulder and Medi-gel our hand. The rest we were to busy being shot at to fix." She gestured to the blanket wrapped around her shoulder. She smirked at the human preparing to try to patch her up. "Start where ever you please Doctor Donny. We've got nothing but time and Ryncol." After the shuttle landed, Voira finishing her glass of Ryncol, the Asari reacted instinctively to the sight of more people pointing guns at her. She pulled her own pistol and threw a barrier on Raa once more, waiting for the bullets to fly again. When they all stood down and the Turian began talking, largely to himself, Voira spoke up from her position on the floor. "Where, exactly, are you all evacuating too?"