Consider me very interested. I have a concept-in-progress! Space pirates and foreigners and insurrectionists, led by a 'civilized' Astrogoth (perhaps one who was taken as a hostage in an earlier conflict on the periphery of the empire and raised in an Arcturan household), who lured an Imperial fleet into a disastrous ambush in which they captured numerous vessels and essentially garnered enough strength for themselves by way of plundering military hardware in order to roll over a number of petty secessionists and regional governments and create something of a 'pirate republic'. They're simultaneously rejecting Imperial ideals (in particular the established social hierachy and humanocentric policies), and acting as inheritors of sorts. Their leader, being Arcturan-educated, is very much inclined towards taking what he thinks 'works' and doing away with what he thinks doesn't. He's a larger-than-life figure, and there's all sorts of mystique swirling around him, and there's all these tales of his daring and bravado and his legendary victories. He's cultivated something of a cult of personality, but the future of the territory he's carved out for himself is all very much up in the air. He has no heir, and even if he did appoint one, what are the chances they'd survive the first year of their reign? He has the charisma and the history with these people to make it work, few others do. He's aware of this. So he wants to consolidate. He wants to put up a front of civility and be recognized by his intergalactic peers. He wants to whip the gangs and tribes that he has under his banner into shape.