Snow continued to fall from a seemingly unending ceiling of dark overcast. Occasionally a pale white light seeped through, momentarily, as quick to appear as it was to vanish. Silence lay like a blanket over the town, interrupted only by the scarce passing of what appeared to be a gleaming giant. The bright yellow eyes the creatures possessed were blinding as they reflected off the snow. A certain canine-like figure avoided them as much as possible. [color=ed1c24]"B-B-Brrr..."[/color] he shivered while wading through the knee-high snow in the ditches lining the road. He stopped in a particularly deep bank of snow to rest. [i][color=ed1c24]What is happening?[/color][/i] he asked himself, hoping that perhaps someone would hear his thoughts answer. It had, in fact, already proven to be a rather strange day, so why not? He thought back to his arrival. His journey back to the house had been near as quick as his escape. He saw the top of it through the trees and brush, a captivating light still creeping out of the window. He decided to approach it, despite his fear. Something emerged from a door carrying a reflective stick of some sort. From under the cover of a nearby branch he waited, before eventually deciding to come out. The creature turned to his motion. [color=ed1c24]"Hi!"[/color] was all he could say before an extremely loud noise scared him half to death, exploding the snow bank closest to him. The creature screamed simultaneously, obviously startled, and ran back into the house. His ears rang violently as he ran again away from the homicidal maniacs that appeared to inhabit this world. [color=ed1c24]"Scary..."[/color] he muttered quietly. Thus, here he was now, acting on his decision to find a warm place to sleep, hoping it would not be as poor a choice as those prior. He noticed that the snow around him was beginning to turn to water, and pushed on. The lights from other buildings was not far now, and he hoped that one might provide safe refuge.