[center][url=http://imgur.com/C8R5iMo][img]http://i.imgur.com/C8R5iMo.png[/img][/url] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/fffaa4cdc0ab7529c7d0bc9fa73bbcc0/tumblr_n4h14sqOtj1rt0cvwo3_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Cafè [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Marilee [@LovelyAnastasia][/center][hr][hr] [color=009cdf][I]What. The. Actual. Fuck.[/I][/color] To anyone hearing about this through the grapevine, they would say that. To anyone casually walking in at the time of this shit, they would say that. To those so close that they got minor flesh wounds on their face, arms, and pretty much everywhere else, they would not only fucking say that, but they would bet their own lives that it was the only way to describe the kind of shit that went down. This bitch — this leather-wearing, hot-as-all-hell — just flipped the handle. Sure, you’re scorned. And yeah, Ray-dumbass-Ray shouldn’t have drugged her. That was just a moronic thing to do. But holy damn on a fucking stick! This bitch completely flipped her shit. Sending glass flying everywhere, plates floating as if the Paranormal Activity producers were filming the real deal. Harvey was all about women expressing their rage at men, especially Ray. Sometimes a girl has to just let loose. Harvey got that. But wow, talk about overdoing it. She definitely showed she wasn’t a woman you want to cross. And you know what? Harvey, despite his various small, flesh cuts, might have just found a replacement for Raven. She was feisty , probably a bit emotionally unstable, but hell! Who wasn’t in this fucked up school? Plus, she looked really good in red leather. If there was one thing that Harvey Blake liked a woman in, that would be leather. Harvey wasn’t going to waste any time. He might be bold in this, but what was life without about of risk? He pulled a seat up next to the crazy, magic chick. [color=009cdf][b]“I think we got off to the wrong foot,”[/b][/color] Harvey looked to her, [color=009cdf][b]“I’m Harvey Blake, the black sheep Son of the Cunt Huntress Goddess, Artemis.” [/b][/color]He gave her his usual cocky, arrogant smirk. [color=009cdf][b]“And you?”[/b][/color] Harvey held his hand out as a sign to mend the bridge that was slightly torn due to their first impression of each other.