Likewise interested, per usual. Refurbishing something I threw together for another game, the Empire of the Terrible Claw. Probably sounds less cheesy in the native tongue, though that was rather the point. Wrote them to fill the seemingly nonexistent niche for biological corporatists in comparison to Starship Trooper-style civilized hive minds and also as a spin on the 'malevolent reptilians' archetype. Because said game had a gamey balancing act setup with a few huge, sweeping tech choices, they ended up with a severe focus on radiological weapons, volitions agents, gun-fired nuclear shaped charge tungsten plasma beams, and paradoxically hypereffective-yet-ineffective shielding technology. How much of that will directly translate I'm not sure, but they definitely use rough, dirty tech that is unquestionably and unorthodoxly effective, a bit of 40s-50s and 60s-80s in aesthetic. Vacuum tubes, rayguns and slab armor meld and contrast with rifled gun launchers, obtuse hover AFVs and combined arms warfare. Bits and bobs taken from Macedon for aesthetic and a little from Scythia, more Imperial Japan-like in social model. Feathers and sun symbolism everywhere as a dash from Mesoamerica. This, also, may or may not be subject to change, depending on how closely things need to adhere to proper Fall of Rome analogues or if things can get wonky. The entire history will obviously change, in the names and degrees of events if not the event archetypes. The Claw may be Seperatists or they may be Astrogoths, and I imagine they'd eventually segue into Pretender category; being resurgent xenos from fringe space with their own imperialist designs, who were either subjugated or observed the subjugation of nearby states, they fit snugly into the niche of the Ummayads or the Ottoman Turks. First eating at the edges of the empire, then at second heartlands like Space North Africa. Probably going to go at things from a protectionist-populist angle and of self-interested enlightened domination of those liberated from Arcturan shackles, as their semi-honestly propagandized potential subjects and they themselves would look at things respectively. First post of origin [url=]here,[/url] first sheet iteration posted [url=]here,[/url] though I think I have a more filled out version. Not sure. May or may not be useful to peruse, but I thought I'd show the thought processes of the time, in case they are. Mind that it's text dense and probably not terribly easy on the eyes.