Mr. Man lifted his head to listen to Arcadius, showing no loathing this time. Either it was veiled, or he was interested in what the boy had to say. He saw only one other student nod as Arcadius spoke, and a quick check with an enchantment told him that it was indeed what he had expected. Two substantially intelligent students. He tossed his book aside, the pages not fluttering as it flew, a spell stopping it near the wall. It stayed suspended while Mr. Man examined Arcadius first. [color=gold][b]"Young Innocenti. Your family name has a lot of weight, doesn't it."[/b][/color] It was more a statement then a question. [color=gold][b]"Your families Grimore wasn't the only thing enchanted to be heavy,"[/b][/color] He said, drawing an obvious metaphorical comparison. [color=gold][b]"The burden family names can cause can be more crushing then the physical trials we are forced to face in our day to day lives. I'm sorry about your mother and father, and that I couldn't attend the funeral. I was dead-"[/b][/color] He paused a bit too long [color=gold][b]"-tired from working so hard the day before, and as such couldn't make the trip."[/b][/color] Despite his serious demeanor he was trying his best to lighten the mood. [color=gold][b]"As to your question. First I'd like to ask why you supposed you would force the demon to do it. You could easily offer it something it would consider of equal value, or even barter with it. I'll also suppose you knew that, as I can tell this isn't your first demon summoning. Second, to the nature of your problem. This is too easy for someone of your caliber, I'm sure, so you want something more challenging?"[/b][/color] Mr. Man definitely didn't make anything easy. Well, besides the first assignment.