Sayuri gives a Rosalia a smile and rubs her head, [color=990000]"I actually have a plan for that. I had already thought of it before coming here... I hope..."[/color] she pauses for a second before spinning on her heels and heads off into the hallways leading everyone to their rooms, [color=990000]"Anyways let's go!"[/color] Varg eyes the rest of his team for a half a minute letting them move ahead before following, [color=666666][i]'So this is my team? A rich as shit, might as well be a noble, heiress, some random Faunus, and a another street rat that seems to be decently off... Beh just my luck. The fuck is up with their team systeming anyways? The first person you see after you land? that's just fucking ridiculous. Whatever I'll just deal with it til we inevitablely fall apart...'[/i][/color] he picks up the pace so as not to look like he was lagging, [color=666666][i]'Our leader probably just paid her way here. While she can still fight well I doubt she entered through work. The faunus... I'm not even sure how she got here... Sure she fought well enough once we met up with those two but outside of combat? Not worth much. As for him... I could probably get along well enough.'[/i][/color] Sayuri led them down several different hallways obviously knowing where she was going even though they'd never even been shown around the dorm area which had been off limits until they'd gotten teams. She stopped and pulled out her scroll, [color=990000]"Here we are. Welcome to your home for the next four years!!"[/color] she swiped her scroll over the pad next to the door. A small beep and a click was heard before Sayuri pushed the door open and stepped inside to look around. All their stuff was piled neatly in front of four twin sized beds all lined up along the far wall with a single window. Sayuri looks around and frowns, [color=990000]"That's... Weird. I thought the rooms were a little bit smaller than this... Ah well. Do you guys wanna get set up tonight or crash and worry about it in the morning before class. Which is at nine by the way."[/color]