Yeah food. Bristle eagerly dug into his food and the apple juice that came with it. He wondered how the master knew that he loved apple juice but then dismissed the notion. Magic. Then more magic training afterwards. He wondered how long it would be until they could begin doing impressive things like fireballs and making pretty colors. Probably too long. Oh well, they'd already been out for a month and it wasn't like Bristle had anything waiting on him. His father probably thought he was dead if he'd even noticed or hadn't died himself from robbing one too many people. Would the magic training simply be a repetition of before or did they have some new exercise? Well they'd found out when they got there. Bristle finished his meal and leaned back with a sigh of content, it hadn't been a big meal but then again Bristle's idea of a small meal was slightly smaller than most people's. Hopefully he could figure out something more concrete about his magic this time. Something about how a journey started with one step.