[center][h1]Keith[/h1][/center] [hr] [@lmpkio] Keith watched as the conquerors set up their base from the shadows. From there, he would be almost unnoticeable. Right now, he was waiting for outward to show up. Their ships would be designed differently, with Arch research industries logoes, rather then Conablum labs symbols. Though, it wouldn't take them very long. 5 Outward ships would land somewhere off to the side of the base, though still within the conquerors view. The teams would exit, each one consisting of one pilot, and four Outward soldiers. All of them would be outfitted with Saber cloth uniforms, and would have one Saber cloth sword, an Arch six shooter, and a slightly larger cold fusion gun. All of it would seem standard issue to the soldiers. Seeing as they were here, Keith decided it was perhaps time to talk to ghidorah. He would walk over, and gesture behind him to the group of ships and their crews. Without a word, he would start walking over to them. Clearly expecting Ghidorah to follow him. As soon as they reached the group, all twenty five of them would present their ships to him. "This, is a bit of the fleet. There aren't many of them here. But I assure you, each pilot could outfly anything you have, and each and every one of them could outifhgt anything short of a large army. Even your starkillers troops would find themselves having trouble with just these twenty five" Keith made sure to say it in such a way that Starkiller would hear him. Hopefully, the taunt would bring about a skirmish, or spar. It would provide a good chance to show off their abilities. As well as for Keith to learn about their own abilities.