She stared at the three headed monster in some disgust as it burst through the trees. [color=ed1c24][i]It looks disgusting.[/i][/color] She thought. She didn't want to get near it... but that wasn't really her choice as Raffey urged his giant beetle toward it. [color=ed1c24]"Wha-"[/color] Her response was cut off as they bolted toward the monstrosity. She watched as her companion drew his spear, before giving her a smile. [i][color=ed1c24]God dammit.[/color][/i] She let go of Raffey as he stabbed the monster, she balanced herself on the running beetle, which, thankfully, ran smoothly. She watched him as he climbed onto the 'thing' before he continued his assault. She quickly looked around, thinking of a way to stop all of this nonsense. She noticed that the monster was quite close behind the slower herd animal, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to make the beetle run any faster. She sighed as she pulled out her dagger with an icepick grip. She steadied herself as she slowly rose to a standing position on the beetle's back. After a deep breath, she leapt from the insect, landing on the monster's back. As she landed, she realized that she had overshot slightly, almost causing her to tumble off it. Luckily, she stabbed her dagger deep into it's back, anchoring herself. The creature screamed in pain, attempted to swipe at Megumi as it had tried to do with Raffey. She managed to lift herself onto it's back before it reached her. She gave Raffey a cold glare, [color=ed1c24]"Remember that we have a job to do. That does not include playing horse with a monster."[/color] She hissed icily. She looked back to her primary objective. The herd animal. From her crouched position, she sprung forward, and with a gamble, she jumped onto the monster's head. It shook it's head as she made a second jump, causing her to barely land onto the herd animal's back. Again she used her dagger to stab into it's back for anchorage. It wailed, swinging it's body wildly as it tried to throw Megumi off. She barely managed to hold on, her grip like an iron vice around her dagger. The animal soon grew tired of rampaging and focused on running for it's life. Megumi used this opportunity to pull her dagger free, drawing one of her throwing knives in the other hand. The creature bucked in pain again, but the feline had stabbed the throwing knife into it's back as she had with her dagger previously, she a little more steady than before now that she got accustomed to the shaking. She took another risky gamble. Letting go of her throwing knife, she slowly crawled up the animal's back, reaching the back of it's neck. She pressed her body against it, hooking her arm around it's neck, stabbing it in the throat before yanking it back out. Blood spilled from animal's neck, it screeched in agony, causing more blood to spray out. It started to buck again in panic, this time throwing Megumi off completely. She flew off a few meters to the side, tumbling in the dirt for a second or two. She coughed violently, the wind knocked out of her from the impact. She slowly got up, sore from the ordeal, looking over to see what happened after all that.