[quote=@OnlyThePie] I'm starting to feel like Huit is going to have no friends at all XD And I made Nike a semi-recluse; so I'll just be over here in the corner... [/quote] I feel like Huit and Fenrir would get along. Like old war stories while they're playing poker or starting bar fights or whatever... ;) [@Apokalipse] Edit: [img]https://stitchedupsports.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/6517c-tumblr_mgp9ce2kgn1s31fnio1_500.gif[/img] Now that I have your attention - I'm like 94% sure I have completed all the relationship info for Persephone but if I left you out (those of you I've spoken with) or if you're interested in being included, let me know and I'll edit/add you. I'm not doing everyone because there are too f-ing many of you and in reality, she probably doesn't have a relationship with everyone. That's it. Now you can return to your regularly scheduled indifference toward me.