[color=f7976a]Designation:[/color] 4th company, Scout/Sapper company [color=f7976a]Structure:[/color] (uh... can't find numbers...) [color=f7976a]Speciality:[/color] Military engineering, sapping, forward scouting, hit and run. Contains an disproportionately large number of sappers and scouts to the other companies. Often takes particularly risky or dangerous field asignments, from breaching beachheads to covert scouting and rescue to extreme rear-guard actions [color=f7976a]Commander[/color] [hider=Captain Banger] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140307101755/starwars/images/a/ae/Clone-commander-doom-clone-wars-601.jpg[/img] (Switch green with maroon) [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] CT 89 - 7394 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Banger [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Captain of 4th company [color=f7976a]Distinguishing features:[/color] Banger is a firecly individualistic clone, his hair is cut close to the scalp and in strange Tribal patterns, he sports a surprisingly thick beard and all of his hair is died dark red. His left arm has a large tattoo of a rather scantily clad orange Twi'lek woman(the same image is painted on the left arm of his armor), and a fair amount of his body is scarred, some battle wounds, others self made. His armor is ALWAYS filthy, as he finds dirty armor is harder to see and that it makes better camoflage. He has also taken to wearing droid fingers around his neck(though this is not strictly speaking regulation) [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Banger is a fiercely individualistic clone, distinguishing himself from his brothers in as many ways as possible. He encourages the same behaviour in his own men, believing that the clones should realize their human potential, and push the limits of their experience. He treats the men under his command as equals, and prefers for all his men to call him by his name, rather than Sir, or Captain, and CERTAINLY never by his number. He thinks of every clone in his company as an equally important part, and believes by considering eachother as equals their bonds grow stronger. Of course, he expects orders to be followed, he simply makes sure all his men can speak to him or eachother as they would to a brother, free of rank or seniority. Despite this, Banger is also a thrill seeker of the highest order, an adrenaline junky, risk taker, loose cannon any of these terms he uses to describe himself. His superiors may sometimes use other adjectives, foolhardy, pigheaded, insubordinate, and other less kind words. Banger seems to revel in the war around him, finding it lets him ride the greatest highs there is, and he always volunteers himself and his men for the most 'fun'(dangerous) assignments. However, he never orders his men to follow him into particularly dangerous situations or to join him on the most dangerous missions... instead he takes volunteers. In this way, Banger is able to explain casualties away, to himself and others, as, "They knew the risks when they took the job". With his disposition, most believe his career has more or less stopped here, which he is fine with. If you asked Banger what he would do after the war, he would lagh, and respond, "Same thing, fighting someone else's war, and blowin the hell out of something." [/hider] [color=f7976a]Lieutenant[/color] [hider=Lieutenant Nix] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/4cf2/i/2015/094/0/9/clone_sentinel_by_space_out_scout-d5l1vmb.png[/img] [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] CT 89 - 7492 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Nix [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Lieutenant [color=f7976a]Distinguishing features:[/color] Much like his brother Banger, Nix has constantly dirty armor, his face however is quite different. He keeps his head and face completely shaved, and has a red 279 tattoed on his forhead, with a large red 4 on the back of his head. He carries a droid commando blade on him at all times(taken as a trophy). Other than this, and the cloth he often wears over his armor, Nix looks like other clones. [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Where Banger is loud, up front and gung ho about everything, Nix is more reserved and quiet, though no less individualistic... or less of a thrill seeker. Alongside his Captain, Nix always volunteers first for the most dangerous field assignments. He and captain Banger are virtually inseperable, have been since Kamino. Nix is in fact the only clone to have known Banger since Kamino, the rest of their original group having died since then. Like Banger, Nix thinks of his fellow clones as brothers, but will grieve only for a time, as like banger, "They knew what they were getting into, and knew they may not come back" If asked about after the war, Nix would shrug, stating simply, "Wherever Banger is, I'll be." [/hider] [color=f7976a]Other personnel[/color] [hider=Sergeant Grit] [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] CT 57 - 8346 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Grit [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Sergeant [color=f7976a]Distinguishing features:[/color] Armor has a snarling rancor painted on its stomach, and his head shaved but he has a goatee. [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Grit isn't like Banger, not in the same vain of a risk taking adrenaline junky at least. He is much more like Major Racter, and often gets into fierce arguements with his captain over the 'unnecassary risks' he takes with his life and the lives of his men. Most commanders would not take the amount of insubordination, but Banger endures it, even nicknamed the man 'Grit' for his bravery to question his commanders orders. Role - Sapper [/hider] [hider=Lance - corporal Toes] [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] Ct 21 - 9523 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Toes [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Lance - corporal [color=f7976a]Distinnguishing features:[/color] Toes has stenciled in toes on his boots, as well as wing on his heels, and wings on his helmet. His hair is standard, but he has tattoed wings on the sides of his head. [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Toes earned his nickname by being the fastest and nimblest runner in the company, able to seemingly dodge incoming laser-fire with miraculous ability. Like his running, Toes speaks quickly, never slowing down. He sometimes leaves others in the dust, in conversation and assignment. Like his Captain, he is a thrill seeker. Role - Advance scout [/hider] [hider=Trooper Garth] [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] CT 57 - 8095 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Garth [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Trooper [color=f7976a]Distinguishing features:[/color] Garth has a tallymark for every brother he has lost on his helmet, current number of tallies = 63, otherwise regulation trooper [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Garth is dour and quiet, slow to jest or smile. He enjoys his individualism, but now believes himself cursed, as he has seen his squad die leaving him lone survivor several time since the war began. Role - Heavy trooper [/hider] [hider=Corporal Corin] [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] CT 43 - 0874 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Corin [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Corporal [color=f7976a]Distinguishing features:[/color] Has a tatto of the words "Who wants to live forever?" in a ring around his neck. Has a soul patch, regulation hair. Armor has black painted arms. Blaster has phrase on his neck stenciled onto the barrel [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Corin, like Banger, wants to see how far a clone can get with experience. He is first to jump without looking behind his captain, first behind Lieutenant Nix to charge into battle. He is a telented sapper and trap maker, leaving rather devious traps for droids and their commanders Role - Sapper [/hider] [hider=Trooper Merik] [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] CT 11 - 5783 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Merik [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Trooper [color=f7976a]Distinguishing features:[/color] MErik has a long scar running from the top right of his forhead down to his chin, and his face has several more prominent scars. His helmet has a black line that is in the same place as and follows his scars. [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Merik is quick with a joke, and quicker with a trigger. He likes to make his brothers smile, and it helps him deal with the war. After the war is over, Merik wants to tell jokes for a living on coruscant. Role - Scout/sniper [/hider] [hider=Private Numbers] [color=f7976a]Number:[/color] CT 12 - 3456 [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Numbers [color=f7976a]Rank:[/color] Private [color=f7976a]Distinguishing features:[/color] Has stensiled the numbers 1 through 29 on his armor in various places. Standard regulation hair. [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] New to the company, Numbers is still getting used to the way Banger runs the show, and his new nickname. He wears it with pride, and has begun to personalize his gear. Role - Sapper [/hider]