[hider=Apperance] [img]http://drawdoo.com/wp-content/themes/blogfolio/themify/img.php?src=http://drawdoo.com/wp-content/uploads/tutorials/Bleach/lesson04/step_00.png&w=665&h=&zc=1&q=60&a=t[/img] [/hider] name: Gabanre Charis gender: Male godly parents: Hephaestus(Greek god of Fire, Smithing and Vulcanoes and Morrigan(Celtic goddess of Death and War)(also queen of the demons) sphere of control: Fire, Smithing, Death and War personality: easily angred, really likes the death, lust for power. Super weaponsmith sacred animal: Crow powers: everything with fire, The power to smith weapons out of his mind. (never able to kill gods) Power to change the outcome of wars. Power to consume the souls of dead people making him stronger pysical and mental. Can transfrom into any flying being. Can speak every earth language. weapon(s): Scythe [hider=Weapon] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/4476/f/2013/294/b/4/smite_chronos_s_staff_by_htmpaius-d6rbbow.jpg[/img] [/hider] History: Gabanre was born out of a weird relation, a relation of 2 gods which did never get a partner. so the went with each other. Gabanre used to work as a smith for Zeus. But after the childs taking over everything he became god. He learned to use his mind as a real weapon. He uses a Scythe because this allows him to take control of dead souls easier. With 1000 human souls his power level in mental and psyical goes up by one. Every god souls also add his power level with 1. Since he destroyed 4 Old gods, he now possesses a lvl 4. at lvl 10 he becomes stronger. at lvl 50 he becomes smarter at lvl 100 stronger lvl 150 smarter and so on with 50 lvls one after the other. The 4 old gods he killed were: -Seth -Bastet -God of Cows -Hel