[Center] [IMG]http://orig00.deviantart.net/b4d8/f/2011/030/f/a/thrush_by_nuriko_kun-d38df7q.jpg[/img] [H2] Month Later [/h2] [Hider][IMG]http://orig07.deviantart.net/d4c2/f/2011/030/9/8/kakariki_by_nuriko_kun-d38g6cl.jpg[/IMG] [H2]"It's to late for peace there's only destruction."[/h2][/hider][H1] Reese [/h1] Gender: Male Godly Parents: Mother: Enyo (Greek Goddess of war and destruction) / Deceased Father: Kratos ( Greek God of Strength and Might) / M.I.A Sphere of Control: War, Destruction, Strength, & Might. Personality: An often serious person taking criticism highly and acting on it violently. Reese is really prideful and doesn't liked to be looked down on. Very short tempered. During combat he tends to get a bit more strange, getting a kick out of pain and laughing uncontrollably like he heard the funniest joke in the world. Besides being a slight psychopath Reese finds respect in someone who cooperates and doesn't pull ranks causing him to be the follower of a leader. Sacred Animal: Crow Powers: Brute: Reese has an unnatural amount of strength even for a god. Absolute Wield: Due to inheritance, Reese can master any weapon he's given, but because of his hate refuses to use a weapon besides his fist. Absolute Berserk: In battle Reese becomes a bit unstable, the more damage he takes the stronger he becomes. Pain is also a lesser problem the longer a fight between him and his opponent drags on. He can tire out or collapse from blood lost but when he's too occupied by battle he rarely cares about the wounds he suffers. Weapon(s): None History: The Son of a Psychotic War Goddess and a God of strength seemed like the perfect war weapon. That is if Reese didn't inherit his parents pride. Through most of his life he lived with his mother Enyo. A Goddess who was known for going into war with only a helmet and her weapon and coming back barely wounded with a victory. Of course Kratos was similar in reputation but since his disappearance Reese was left his mother. For years he followed her in battle along side her family, Ares and their siblings. For years he was never acknowledge of his accomplishments in the battles he was in. Always over shown by his mother. Enyo's spawn, little Tyrant, Mini Enyo, they called Reese but never his title. He soon gained hatred for his mother and tried his best to out do her, going into war armorless and weaponless. Still he was never noticed or acknowledge by his mother of his skill. When The Merge became a final decision Reese confronted his mother about the agreement she denied it. Enyo, a Goddess who held her own against Zues's army and Tyhpon's army wasn't gonna bow to her own son let alone agree that they are equals. Reese finally fed up with the high pedestal his mother stood on fought Enyo. They fought for 28 days and nights none stop until one gave up or fell to the ground dead. After almost a month Reese stood over his mothers corpse in a crater that was a result of their brawl. His knuckles worn out, cut, broken, and decorated with his mothers blood. Before burring his mother he took what was ever left of her helmet and wore it as a symbol of victory. Other: Reese is probably planing to kill his Uncles and Auntie to become the remaining God of War. [H2] Belle [/h2] [Hider] [Center] [IMG]http://static.zerochan.net/Arai.Nobu.full.1411827.jpg[/img] [H2] Arai(left) Belle(Middle) Nobu(Right) [/h2] [H2] Info [/H2] Belle is a mortal gifted with the ability to see gods. Besides being gifted the ability by Enyo, he also can manipulate darkness on a smaller level. Belle wasn't naturally born with the gifts he currently have. Around the year 1300 B.C. he was given a task to be an escort for the young Reese while his mother handled some business in Egypt. Many years past and Belle was nearly an old man who was now being cared for by Reese. Sadly around these times mortals where either all bout worshiping their gods or trying to become one themselves. A raid broke out and the target was Reese, every noticeable being that was located in the vicinity of Reese's location was murdered. All except Belle a 60 year old man standing along side a god. The raid was a failed attempt but Belle suffered a wound that wasn't curable at the time. Luckily with the help of Reese's mother Belle was able to come back to life and return to youth. In order to save him Reese took any risks. That meant he begged his mother to do what she could and the best she had wouldn't be a gods first choice. Two evil spirits that where wants wonderful descendants of Anubis were all she had at her disposal. To please her son she bonded the evil spirits and Belles souls luckily getting him off his death bed. Belle now with the souls of the descendants of Anubis was able to see clearer(notice from what's right and wrong), and gained an immortal lifespan but also gained the darkness and corruption of the two spirits. Before Reese's departure back to the Realm of the Gods Reese tattooed a mark on his shoulder that symbolized his title as the Champion of the God of Strength. [H2] Currently [/h2] Belle is Reese's eyes and ears on Earth. Since Reese is a War God and is highly dangerous and could probably pass as a lunatic or psychopath like all the War Gods he isn't allowed to Earth that often. Belle is aware of the current situation in Outer World as he called it. Belle holds a book that is filled with things he's been told, learned or ever heard about. Pantheons, Wars within most of the pantheons, anything that Belle believe would repeat itself is written in his book. Of course he'd get the information about Gods from Reese and the old information from his inhabiters Arai and Nobu. He often refers to the book as the Glossary of Damned Souls or G.O.D.S. Reese wasn't to happy about the name. As of now he's traveling Earth Realm writing in his book and reporting back to Reese when needed. [H2] Personality [/h2] Belle shows little to know emotion towards others besides Reese. He also has to deal with Arai and Nobu attempting to steal his soul every single second of his life. He's only cold hearted to avoid connections. The last thing he needs is a weakened heart for Arai and Nobu to attack. [/Center][/hider][/center]