[img]http://hd.wallpaperswide.com/thumbs/anime_girls_7-t2.jpg[/img] Name: Yumiko Saito Age: 12 Power: Fire manipulation Appearance: the girl with the red hair Name: Mikine Saito Age: 12 Power: Water manipulation Appearance: The girl with the blue hair Bio- The Saito sisters are from a very prestigious family. They had a very happy life: they went to school, had friends, a happy family and even another sibling along the way. Mikine was the youngest of the twins and was a bit of an air head when it came to many things. Her sister Yumiko was the oldest of the two girls and was more of a responsible person. Thou the girls were different they were very closer. The girls had an easy life with little struggles, but that all came to end 12 short years later. On the girls 12th birthday the family was on their way back from the ice skating rink they were at for the girl's brithday. Their mother who was about 5 months along was chatting happily with the girls about the upcoming baby while their dad was driving. They were on a large hill and it was raining pretty bad. Mr. Saito was being very careful since he knew the railing up in the hill was very old and needed to be replaced, but the car behind him was swaying back and forth as if trying to pass them. The car ended up getting too close and ended up hitting the back of their car causing them to spin out of control. Their car flew over the railing and down the steep hill where it ended all smashed up and four people trapped inside. During the crash two glows, fire and blue, came out of their hands whcjh went unnoticed by the girls. Yumiko, the only one who stayed conscious during the entire crash, saw the entire was smoking and knew she needed to get her family out. Yumiko looked at her sister and tried to undo her seat belt. Her sister was barely breathing and she was bleeding a lot from head. Yumiko got the seat belt off and kicked open the door. She slowly dragged her sister towards the heavy tree line and when she ran back for her parents when the car blew into family pushing Yumiko back against the ground. The person from the car came into view with guilty eyes as he saw the state of the girls, though a bit surprised that none of the girls seem to have suffered more wounds then they had gained. He quickly called for an ambulance and the two girls was taken to the nearest hospital. Yumiko sat by her sister who was asleep after having surge to remove the glass that had entered her sister's head when she saw her hands glowing red. Confused she flicked two of her together and flames came out a little before vanishing. Yumiko saw the a blue glow around her sister's hands as well leaving her confused. The two stayed in the hospital for a few weeks to recover. They quickly learned after a few mishaps in the bathroom they had powers. Yumiko could manipulate fire while her sister could manipulate water. When both girls were recovered enough, a person from social services came to pick the, up and the two were taken to an orphanage. Little did they know that this orphanage that had kids that were just like them. [@KatherinWinter] How is this