Maisy felt a chill run up her spine as someone actually TALKED to her...but from the sound of it, it wasn't a protein junkie Army Sergeant. Smiling wryly at Megan, Maisy made a small thumbs-up motion, still having the deer in the headlights look. Shakily, she said: [color=BC8F8F][b]"Y-Yeah...j-j-just getting used to the desert..."[/b][/color] which was clearly a lie. Then her back snapped back up straight when the grilling started, her face getting pale once he pointed at her. Did she do something wrong? Did she forget to put deodorant on today? Oh. It was just because she was being a chicken shit. Okay, that was fair. And, he started seeming just a little cooler. He definitely looked like a hard guy, but maybe he just did that to unnerve some people? Or maybe he just has that kinda face. Regardless, Maisy nodded at each rule after the one he'd said while pointing to her. Made sense to her that you had to be able to love what you do to be able to win. And if there's one thing she knew, it was that Action Duels were just the BEST! Well, Turbo was nifty too. And some Standard matches would get pretty intense... Ceasing her dueling rule wars in her head, Maisy's eyes lit up once he asked for volunteers for an action duel. Going from the deer in the headlights to BECOMING the headlights, she raised her hand eagerly. [color=BC8F8F][b]"Ohhh, I wanna Action Duel Mr. Professor Colonel!"[/b][/color] she said, figuring now was the best time to show some gumption and get to finally run around in Real Solid Vision fields. She'd been training her whole life for this...well...if "Training for your whole life" counted as having spent one month learning Gymnastics and half a week learning Kickboxing.